


4 years, 10 months ago



"For whose sake do you compete?"

image credits here/here.

  •  Name   Shion Arisugawa 
  •  Age   17
  •  Height   162cm (5'4)
  •  Occupation   Student/Cheerleader 
  •  Sexuality   Lesbian
  •  Personality 
  •  Appearance 
  •  Likes   The same.
  •  Dislikes   The same.
  •  Backstory 

    Shion Arisugawa was born to a pair of young florists, alongside her twin sister Tsubaki Arisugawa. As one would expect, they did everything together, even if it was Tsubaki who would do most of the talking while Shion only hid behind her— and Shion were fine with that. Even when they’d grown some and Tsubaki started getting more ambitious, Shion was fine with standing on the sidelines and supporting her. This extended to cheerleading in middle school; Tsubaki very desperately wanted to become everyone else’s leader, while Shion would rather find time in between gardening club meetings to cheer *her* on.

    Or so she thought— About a week or two before a big game, Shion doesn’t (want to) remember, Tsubaki might have gotten a little distracted practicing, she might have put her foot in the wrong place, but Shion remembers very well that she landed on her head, and the trip to the hospital, and the fact that since then she’s been waiting for her to wake up.

    Now, Shion didn’t think she was very cut out for this, but desperate times called for desperate measures, and there was something about this - how important cheering was to Tsubaki - that made her think she couldn’t just stand there. It’d just be for a while, she decided, that she would go under her name, do her best to catch up, and fill in for her.

    ...Just for now, she still tells herself, even though Tsubaki still hardly responds to her after 3 years (pvs babey!), because when she recovers then she’ll be able to pick up right where she left off.

    That’s what everyone else agrees with her on, isn’t it...?

    And she’s already done so, so much to make herself more like Tsubaki, just to keep her dream going until then… Maybe it’s made her stronger, too. She doesn’t cry as much, her voice is louder, she doesn’t back down… It really is all for the best…
  • ...Ah. You must be bored now.
  •  Name   Relationship 

    Proin blandit justo augue, ac varius nunc vulputate vel. Vestibulum eu nunc id dolor ultricies placerat aliquam blandit urna. Vestibulum libero massa, pretium non ante et, tempus feugiat est. Phasellus vehicula ullamcorper ipsum in feugiat.
  •  Name   Relationship 

    Duis varius mauris vitae nibh auctor iaculis. Donec cursus, odio eu vulputate sodales, ex tortor rhoncus est, vel pretium arcu nulla vel magna. Cras egestas sodales mauris, sit amet fringilla erat blandit quis.
  •  Name   Relationship 

    Aliquam sit amet tortor a nulla luctus lobortis. Praesent mollis in velit ut lacinia. In consequat leo elementum tortor gravida cursus. Aliquam semper facilisis volutpat. Praesent maximus metus ut lorem fermentum pharetra. Donec varius semper sapien, vel ornare dolor lobortis non.
  •  Question 

    Nullam convallis semper elit, quis tempus lectus dignissim tincidunt. Aliquam facilisis pellentesque nibh. Nullam sed porttitor tellus. Fusce dictum nulla ut enim euismod, eget pellentesque metus egestas. Nam eget massa a massa hendrerit condimentum eu sit amet ex. In convallis, odio ac mollis tempor, nunc dui efficitur libero, ac aliquam orci sem eu magna.
  •  Question 

    Integer eu rutrum tellus. Nulla facilisis neque eu massa rutrum, nec consectetur arcu bibendum. Nullam feugiat libero eu massa commodo volutpat.
  •  Question 

    Aenean vulputate efficitur lacus, at feugiat orci sodales porta. Donec vulputate accumsan orci, at tempor ante mollis vitae. Vivamus accumsan dapibus sodales. Aenean dignissim turpis eget risus eleifend, et congue arcu mattis.
  •  Question 

    Etiam auctor nibh semper nunc aliquam, et facilisis felis sodales. Proin vel volutpat augue. Donec suscipit mollis gravida. Sed vel lectus a justo sodales posuere.
  •  Trivia 
    • â—Ź Sed ac ligula consectetur, feugiat mi ac, eleifend nisl. Nam scelerisque convallis euismod. Nam tincidunt risus eget blandit luctus.
    • â—Ź Etiam consequat viverra ex, ut hendrerit dolor auctor in. Integer feugiat feugiat molestie.
    • â—Ź Nullam mollis pharetra ipsum nec ultricies.
    • â—Ź Maecenas aliquet porttitor vehicula. Donec tristique porta arcu nec cursus.
    • â—Ź Ut malesuada lectus laoreet lorem pulvinar, in suscipit erat lacinia.
    • â—Ź Nunc et ultrices orci, id hendrerit massa. In mattis interdum augue, vel scelerisque elit venenatis sed.

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