


The Voidstringer





Unknown (dog-like)







One of the four Deities of StarCentral, Voidstringer rules over the Void District found in the south-west, a district built on a statue of Grand Queen Nefertiti, and later the Earth District in the south-east.

A more reserved, serious and formidable-seeming god, though despite his bad reputation and intimidating appearance he is just as friendly and playful as his husband The Dreamweaver, who he has three children with - Carne, Tinneth and Veroris.












CALM > At most times, The Voidstringer manages to maintain an unusually calm demeanor, though to some it may seem more like apathy. While he still feels very strongly about things, he doesn't like to express these emotions in fear that he may seem scary, and in an attempt to appear professional.

CARING > Despite The Voidstringer's dislike for the people, he cares for them greatly, just as he cares about The Dreamweaver or his sons. Even when the people of StarCentral go against him time and time again, he will always have their best interests in mind.

PLAYFUL > At heart, The Voidstringer is just a big ol' puppy. He tries not to indulge in public displays of such... tomfoolery, however if you're able to catch him off guard, it becomes clear that he loves playing fetch, sticks and belly rubs as much as any other dog. He swears the stick he holds, which is eternally lit and illuminates the Void District, has nothing to do with his species' love for them. He is a liar.

STOIC > The Voidstringer isn't one to complain about his circumstances. He takes what he gets and does what he can with it. This unemotional state aids his bad reputation amongst the citizens of StarCentral - especially after his seemingly apathetic reaction to the attack on the Earthbringer, which he was falsely accused of being the perpetrator of.

DISTURBING > Another attribute which doesn't help The Voidstringer's bad reputation. The Voidstringer is a naturally pretty freaky guy, with his skull mask setting him apart from the somewhat 'pure' image of the other Deities. His eyes, which glow from underneath the mask, are thought to be terrifying by the people of StarCentral. In reality, The Voidstringer holds the Void inside of him with this mask, yet has never told anyone in fear it would cause further panic and distrust of him.

EXTRAVAGANT (FORMERLY) >In the past, The Voidstringer was a very prideful man. He dressed himself in the finest of golds, his jewelry resembling that of Xolotl's, and took great pride in his appearance. However, after being rejected by Nefertiti, he had an epiphany and set down (most) of the flashy jewelry, humbled by his experience and now aware of his own entitlement.

INSECURE > The Voidstringer's bad reputation hasn't done anything good for his own self-image - believing what the people of StarCentral say about him. After re-acquainting himself with Nefertiti again, just before she becomes Grand Queen, someone (that isn't one of the other Deities or his family) who defends him against the false allegations and is successful in proving him innocent, he regains some of the confidence he had before which even pushes him into accepting the role as new leader of the Earth District in his later acts.


  • Gold, extravagant accessories
  • Sticks (though he wont admit it)
  • The Dreamweaver <3


  • The Earthbringer
  • Sudden noises (he WILL start barking)
  • The general population




Muscular, lean

Skin tone




  • He never takes his mask off. You can see his eyes through them, but only his iris and pupils.
  • He carries his stick with him at all time, though it isn't always lit. Fire can be red, blue or anything inbetween.
  • The Voidstringer's mouth moves while he talks, but never opens. His voice is completely unaffected by this.
  • He has three skulls on his waist - they've always been there. He uses them to create his children, and when he does removes them from the 'belt.'













The Voidstringer is extremely proficient in the school of destruction.

Destruction Magic

Destruction magic is the school of magic associated with the material known as void. Those practiced in destruction magic are able to manipulate the tides of magic and use them to swallow objects. While most can only swallow single chunks of an object the absolute masters of destruction magic are able to swallow entire objects, or even people, in one. Few well-practiced destruction users are also able to harness the destructive powers of the void in the form of fire and ice.



Act 1

No one truly knows how The Starmaker was born, or if she was always there to begin with - one day, in the nothing, there was something - a will to live, to thrive. And then there was StarCentral.

With one nod of her head, The Starmaker turned the barren void in front of her into a stretching expanse of light, christened StarCentral. She created 3 other dieties, to rule beside her- the Dreamweaver, Voidstringer and Earthbringer, who she each gave a 'district' to rule - giving the Voidstringer possession of the Dream District, a slate of shimmering blackstone which reflected the stars in the sky, for The Voidstringer to sculpt into his own city.

The Voidstringer lived a lavish life, not caring for much other than his own riches and the women he took interest in. One of these women, Nefertiti, didn't accept his advances like the others did, which led to his own growing interest in her. He became so infatuated with her, and desperate for her attention that he carved the black slate of blackstone which made up his District into a statue of her, and she, rightfully disturbed, fled the District not to return for a long time. Realising his own faults after this confrontation, The Voidstringer was humbled greatly.

After the Voidstringer's object of affection rejected him, The Dreamweaver began to take interest in him. They began a strong friendship, and ended up dating after a while. When the Voidstringer proposed, The Dreamweaver decided to make their relationship public.

The Starmaker became angered, thinking that this would cloud their ability to rule, and in a moment of rage shouted out. Her fury corrupted something inside her - forming a dark, inky black void that cracked along the borders of the districts, creating the Shadow Place.

Act 2

Along with the other district rulers, The Voidstringer created Karol, and was present as he cleansed the Shadow Place, and when he was eventually banished for his outburst. He watched as The Starmaker was defeated, and The Toymaster was in return, by their second warrior Andromeda Nelighla and her partner - Nefertiti, the woman The Voidstringer had previously lusted over.

The Dreamweaver offered Nefertiti and Andromeda a place in his palace as things settled down, and as the decision on who was to rule the Light District began - which was to be settled by a vote from the citizens.

However, as the Earthbringer, who was viciously attacked during the campaign, these arrangements were skidded to a halt as the remaining rulers, in addition to Andromeda and Nefertiti, investigated the attack.

During this time, The Voidstringer and The Dreamweaver decided they wished to create a child, of their own magic - and soon after The Dreamweaver fell pregnant with his first child.

At first, suspicions were pinned on The Voidstringer, with the people turning against him as Andromeda and Nefertiti launches their own investigation, in which Andromeda was convinced The Voidstringer was guilty. However, Nefertiti fiercely defended The Voidstringer - and soon the culprit was found by Nefertiti, being The Dreamweaver's own secretary Benji and The Starmaker's previous lover The White Lady, who had gone after The Earthbringer in pursuit of power, jealous of The Dieties.

After killing The Toymaster, avenging The Starmaker, and finding The Earthbringer's attacker, Nefertiti had grown to be an inspiration among the people. The Dieties discussed, and soon chose her to be the next ruler of the Light District - to be Grand Queen Nefertiti.

After becoming acquainted with Nefertiti again, and being defended by her, The Voidstringer gained back some lost confidence, which led to him stepping up as new leader of the Earth District.

Act 3

After his first son, Carne, was born, The Dreamweaver and The Voidstringer continued to have two other children, Tinneth and Veroris. However, as the years continued, The Dreamweaver became sick, though he would not tell anyone why.

However, The Dreamweaver knew exactly why. He had noticed, in his midnight walks in the foundations of StarCentral, that without the power of The Starmaker they were falling apart. He had been secretly feeding energy into the foundations, fearing the hysteria that could of been caused if the news got out, and the questioning he'd receive after people learned he had been traversing the foundations. During this time, The Voidstringer worried himself sick over having to rule over both the Void and Earth District, taking care of his sickly husband and his three young children.

Soon, The Dreamweaver became so sick he was bedridden, and eventually the foundations of StarCentral began declining quickly.After The Dreamweaver informed Andromeda, The Grand Queen and his husband of the situation, he watched as theytried their best to save StarCentral, and eventually failed. The Dreamweaver used the rest of his magic to protect his three sons, before he said his last words to his husband.

"Don't worry, Void, darling. It's going to be fine. We'll see Star again. Earth will be himself. I know it. They're going to go do great things, I know. I love you."

StarCentral exploded, his children being the only survivors.


Paternal Grandmother: None

Paternal Grandfather: None

Maternal Grandmother: None

Maternal Grandfather: None

Mother: None

Father: None

Aunts: None

Uncles: None

Siblings: None

Nieces: None

Nephews: None

Partner: Dreamweaver

Past Partners:

Children: Carni, Veroris, Tinneth

Grandchildren: Sharmaarke, Hephyana, Gwyneanor, Killhan, Airie, Lavender, Aaliyah, Radia, Theodore


552845?1616294595 The Dreamweaver

The one person The Voidstringer can fully be himself near. He considers The Dreamweaver the best thing to happen to him.

2883950?1593493922 Carne

The Voidstringer's third son, still very young when the explosion of StarCentral occured. They didn't have long together, but The Voidstringer cherished every bit of it, and watches him proudly now.

10974624?1620187561 Veroris

The Voidstringer's second son. He was close with his fathers, and reminded The Voidstringer a lot of his husband.


The Voidstringer's first son. While they were close when Tinneth was younger, Tinneth's self-serving ways led his father to become disconnected to him, and The Voidstringer now has mixed feelings about him and the path he took in life.

4185617?1620486070 The Starmaker

While they don't get along as much as The Starmaker and Earthbringer do, The Starmaker does have respect for him despite their disagreements, and sees and appreciates the maturity he has gained.

7958014?1620193620 The Earthbringer

The Earthbringer has little respect for the Voidstringer, seeing him as childish for many reasons, from the statue he turned his district into, to his marriage to the Dreamweaver.