Ren Shimizu



4 years, 9 months ago


a blooming lotus flower

Quick Stats

name ren shimizu
Age nineteen ( 19 )
Gender transfem gal
Pronouns she / they
Birthday april 1st ( 04/01 )
Orient. bisexual ( )



"though its the end of the world, don't blame yourself now / and if its true, i will surround you, and give life to a world that's our own"

Known for her doll-like appearance and her shy exterior, Ren is well-known in her hometown due to her assistance with the shrine and her very kind heart. Do not mistake that kindness for weakness, though, because past the shy beginning, there is something sarcastic, playful, and brilliant. Ren takes a bit to open up, but like the lotus she is so similar to, she can be radiant once she finally chooses to bloom.

kind-hearted / socially awkward / bullheaded


  • Ren has a very strong fondness for snakes— and, in fact, she has five of them in varying sizes and breeds as pets!
  • While she isn't loudly religious, Ren was raised in a Shinto shrine and privately practices Shintoism.
  • Ren spends a lot of time reading manga and, as much as she's a sucker for a good shoujo story, she actively enjoys the shounen and sports genres. She's less interested in anime, though she'll still watch it.
  • Ren is honestly terrified of bugs and will scream if she sees one when she isn't expecting to see one. Spiders are her worst nightmare.
  • Ren is slightly autistic, which typically manifests in missing social cues and having certain sensory issues specifically in regards to food.
  • Due to having manifesting anger issues as a young teenager, Ren took up kickboxing and has actively practiced it since. It keeps her active, which she appreciates, and she can also defend herself! Bonus!
  • Ren's favourite flavor for most candies or sweets is melon!
  • She's somewhat self-conscious of herself, and can get relatively nervous when she thinks about herself and her appearance much. She's getting better, slowly...!


  • FAMILY;;—
    • Akane Shimizu (mother); Akane Shimizu has literally changed Ren's life. The woman that took them in and adopted them as an infant, Akane is a strong, hard-working and emotional woman. Ren sees her as an inspiration and as one of the strongest people in the world, and she views Akane as her mother in every sense except biological.
    • Shin'ya Shimizu (brother); Shin'ya is Ren's adopted older brother. Six years Ren's senior and somewhat more rough around the edges than Ren herself, Shin'ya very easily falls into the 'protective but emotionally detached' older brother archetype. He cares deeply for his family and regularly takes time to ensure that they are all doing well.
    • Yuri + Yuuto Shimizu (siblings); The twin troublemakers, Yuri and Yuuto are a set of twins that are four years younger than Ren. Lively and energetic, they make life around the house amusing and their time spent at the shrine means that there is no lack of chaos and fun to be had. The two of them can actually be rather bad influences, often dragging Ren into their shenanigans and occasionally attempting to drop the resulting mess in her hands. While they can be tiring, Ren enjoys their presence and their antics and is protective of them as their older sister.
  • FRIENDS;;—
    • Pine Malcalester (<3); Ren... adores Pine, more than she really knows how to put into words. She treasures their friendship, treasures the relationship that the two of them quietly cultivated, and she can say with certainty that she loves Pine with all of her heart. She's so grateful to have him in her life, and she's glad that she can continue to be by Pine's side.
    • Bunny Ashitaka (best friend); Ren's self-proclaimed "bodyguard", Bunny is... basically the opposite of Ren personality-wise. The two met as children due to Bunny being dragged to the shrine on occasion, and then they found out they lived decently close to one another! She is very protective of Ren and would more-than-happily do anything that they ask. She worries about them, but Ren knows that they could easily rely on her for anything.
    • Fujio Nishida (rel); Fiji is one of Ren's favourite people! The two of them get along really well, and Ren cares a lot about him! Admittedly, Fiji got quickly swept up in the affection of the rest of her family as well, which sort of makes him her psuedo-brother? Whatever it is. The Shimizu family adores him, and Ren cares about him lots.

Design Notes

Designer @ emberchii
Obtained created ( ??/?? )
  • Ren's hair is a sort of ashy brown, but it fades to an almost peachy pink the further it gets from the roots. She wears it short, with pieces tied carefully in front of her face.
  • Ren's eyes are a gradient from a darkish purple colour to a bright shade of cyan!
  • She is so very freckled, which she used to be embarrassed about and has now come to appreciate somewhat.
  • Ren is short and pretty stout - she stands at about 5'1", and she's got a relatively chubby build! She's incredibly sturdy, though.
  • Ren typically always has something pinned in her hair, be it a very specific flower pin or some other hairtie or clip. She has a preference for her flower hairpin, though.
  • She shares a matching bracelet with Pine, although it's typically hidden by her sleeve.