Wymond Malcalester



4 years, 1 month ago



Quick Stats

name wymond malcalester
Age thirty smthn ( 30+ )
Gender cis male
Pronouns he / him
Birthday feb 24th ( 02/24 )
Orient. homosexual ( )



"joy mirage's kingdom come, no one left at stake / now that existence is on the wake, let's see what we can make"

Wymond's life is one that he wouldn't really wish upon anyone. That being said, even through the varyibng ups and downs in his life, he's managed to stay relatively resolute in his ideals and continues to stand by and support the people that he cares about. He can navigate royal settings with an obviously practiced ease, and tries to be at his brother's right hand to assist him should he need it.

warm / competent / charismatic


  • Wymond has spent a couple of years and hiding at this point, trying to fight off an attempted assassination via poison. His eye is kinda super fucked up from it, but that's fine.
  • It's literally fucking ridiculous how tall he is. Wymond is a behemoth at like 6'8".
  • Wymond is the only of his three siblings that aren't biologically related! He's Percius's ward, and was adopted.
  • He has an official position as a royal advisor, but he also spends a good amount of his time supervising the guard when around.
  • Yes he's a Hollow Knight gijinka, what of it


  • FAMILY;;—
    • Percius Malcalester ("father"); Wymond owes him everything - even though his feelings are more complciated than that. He thinks he's the only one of the three who mourned.
    • Whitney Malcalester ("mother"); Wymond misses her dearly. He wishes he knew where she is... he wants to go find her soon.
    • Hornet Savageout (sister); Wymond... halfway raised Hornet, admittedly. He cares about her very deeply and missed her when she left..
    • Pine Malcalester (brother); His little baby brother— not that he would ever call Pine that to his face, obviously. He's incredibly proud of his brother, but— worried, too.
  • FRIENDS;;—
    • Clover Braunne (sister in law); Hornet's wife! She's very sweet.
    • Asra Grimm (love); His childhood friend-turned-lover. He has a lot of complicated feelings regarding Asra.
    • Quirrel Brungardi (friend); An old friend from growing up. Wymond hasn't seen him in a while.
    • Alistair Monroe (friend); Alistair worked in the palace while Wymond was being raised there, and so they are well aquainted with him and his siblings. Keep up the good work...!
  • MISC;;—
    • Eleanor Evertefuille (radiance); "You tried to kill me, you bitch!"
    • Dunnan + Lucian Grimm (???); Wymond has a lot of complicated feelings surrounding Asra's sons. They're good kids! He's still a little (;o o)

Design Notes

Designer @ emberchii
Obtained created ( ??/?? )
  • Wymond has bandages that cross over his right eye, partially to keep the mess to a minimum, and partially because he knows it's gross to look at. That being said, that eye is sensitive to light, so there's multiple uses there!
  • He tends to dress exclusively in monotone colours! He's being eased away from that, but he still primarily wears whites and shades of silver and grey..
  • Wymond's hair is crazy long and he honestly just kind of refuses to cut it at this point. He keeps it tied back with a ribbon!
  • Wymond is 6'8", and towers over most people. He has the strength to go along with that height, as well.