


4 years, 10 months ago


female . havanta . bakery

Quick Stats

name Almandrine
Birth Year 1186
Gender female
Pronouns she/her
Race Felidae
Orient. ace ( )


Almandrine having reconnected with family long forgotten is recovering alongside them in Havanta.

Almandrine's parents rushed into their relationship with idealized perceptions of what they have. When push came to shove under the influnce of his family and her crew they seperated. Bay returned to the ship and soon begun feeling what she presumed was seasickness, dismissed it as having spent to much time on land and stated that it would go away- it didn't. Bay either out of denial ignored the sysptoms or was to stuborn to care and after a few months, Almandrine came into the world.

Almandrine grows up on the ship isolated from other children as Bay refuses to hand her over and leave her with others that stick to the shore fearing that she will be ochastrized, like she was, unaware she's done the same to her daughter. While her desire to keep the kit on the boat isn't looked upon favorably; Bay promises to make it work. Most including her mother ignore her, she's a distraction or an annoyance and often shoved aside. She is given menial tasks and becomes adept at them to keep her busy and her best friend is the "cook" and he spends more time with her then her own mother.

She grows up greatly impaired socially as a result, she has little idea of how to be a child let alone interact with one, being largely traped on a floating box. As a teen, she hardly rebels out of fear of being left behind and tends to go with the flow regarldess of anything suspicious. Another teen, amongst the few she meets regularly takes an intrest in her and far to nieve she goes along with it. He loves her and then her mother drags her away, rips the others ear apart and they leave. She's stuck on the ship and soon her sea sickness beguns.

Her mother is furious and the only comfort she keeps during her mother's fits is the "cook". He guides her through what to expect having gone through it before and then he is gone. No one knows what hapened to him and they presume he drowned if the waves ripped him from the deck. She goes into labor early and has two kits, she doesn't know what to do and all she feels is shame and regret, she lacks control and saftey and as soon as Bay tells her to stop letting them nurse, she takes off, stealing a small vessel and hoping for the best, she can't stand it anymore and she can't stand them.

Her mother and the crew have taught her well; she braves the storms and the waves, but, she becomes so much off course and ends up in Havanta, a small villege near one of the larger rivers that the seas feed into. She meets her father who is completly awestruck to learn that he had a kid and is quick to welcome her into his families home. It takes her a while to recover physiclly but once she does, she is introduced to her cousins and for the first time in a long time, gets to be a kid.

Her recovery is gradual, her introductions to others are awkward and she tends to hang out with the younger kids as they think she's cool despite her oddities. When she saves Ray from the water, Nimbus is irate. Almandrine panics thinking she is mad at her and it takes a while for her to calm down even if she understands Nimbus would never hurt her, she's more scared-mad then angry-mad, she reminds her of Bay. Her father isn't what she expected either, her mother didn't speak well of him, but Garnet adores her and her cousins doting on them all. He is fun and willing to listen.

She picks up an intrest in cooking and soon volunteers and later works part time at a bakery. She often spends her time in back rather then dealing with others. One day however someone comes through introduces themselves as Colin, and she can't place him and shortly afterwards her mother arives. While shaken by the arivals, the impromptu family gathering she is able to stand up for herself regain her composure, her mother though unwilling leaves and she gets to meet her chidren again.


  • Has PTSD and anxiety; while she has adapted, she hasn't recovered from her childhood having repressed much it.
  • Alma, her nickname is only used by family and close friends.
  • Having been stranded (and due to spending much of her life on them) she has a fear of the open sea and boats.
  • She is a very strong swimmer and is good at holding her breath, outlasting Dandelion during her own tantrums.
  • Alma is a bit disapointed she doesn't have wings like her aunt or even feathers(anymore).

Design Notes

Designer A-karii
Obtained breedable result
Worth 15 points +
Status not for sale
  • Much like alot of my more fanitastic colored felines she was designed as a hypnokit. Her origional designcame from Garnet and Petalfall went away from quite as much white in a minimal redesign adding a secondary undercolor to help her look more related to the cat I designed as her mother.