


4 years, 2 months ago


female . sea . captain

Quick Stats

name Bay
Birth Year 1167
Gender female
Pronouns she/her
Race Felidae
Orient. bi ( )


Those who know Bay have tend to have strong and very mixed opions of her; a poor mother and an excellent leader.

Bay was born in the region near the sea and orphaned as she reached her teens. Having little prospects and no other family to turn too, she was quick to head to the docks where promises of new futures awaited. While young she was scrappy and eager to volunteer despite the intensive work. She caught on quickly amongst the crew, moved up ranks rapidly and during one of their stops along the area that had yet to be fully explored. She meet Garnet.

They had a whirlwind romance, on Garnet's side it was frowned upon and they were each others firsts. However as the initial fascination faded; Bay realized that she did not fit in amongst his family and it was something Garnet was unwilling to leave behind. After Nimbus, his sister, ripped into her calling her an idiot and he just sat by pleading for them to knock it off and later telling her to just appologize to his parents (and his sister to keep the peace) they parted. Unwilling to be stepped on in a relationship where others had so much influnece, she returned to her crew.

Though she felt seasick for much of the months that followed, she dismissed it as having spent to much time on land and stated that it would go away- it didn't and her daughter was a suprise to everyone on board, especially herself. She named her Alamandrine though often refered to her as Alma tenderly when she was little. Bay struggled to find a work-life balance amongst the care her daughter needs, refuses to give her awayfearing she will be orchestrised and thus her child is frequently neglected. Her care is often passed off onto an older fellow, the cook, and while she hears what others say about her daughter she ignores it, she kind of feels they might be right.

Her daughter grows up seeking affection and socially impaired being around so few others, let alone anyone close to her own age. Her daughter barely rebels and the one time she really does, she gets knocked up. What little relationship they have disintegrates, Alma barely speaks and just sits numbly and remains that way even once she has her kits. Bay ignores her crews advice and loses her daughter to the waves. Her grandchildren are a way to make things right but, she struggles to do that with them ending up making the same mistakes and perhaps worse ones, her favorite (Prism) is an "abomination" and the other just doesn't seem right half the time.

Bay's grandchildren leave her one day and she has her crew but otherwise is alone. Out of desperation after having not heard anything in seasons, she randomly makes a stop and ventures to Havanta finding both her daughter and grandson; the impromptu reunion doesn't go well and she leaves furious.

She spends her remaining years trying to make up for her actions and focuses greatly upon her crew's wellbbeing and is willing to consider advice from them onwards. The only kin of hers, that is willing to speak with her going forward is Prism.


  • Bay has narcististic tendencies and is a control freak. She demands alot out of herself and her crew/family and while she is there for them physicly she tends to check out mentally.
  • With how uexpected her own birth was likely has postpartum depression, remains uncomfortable abound younger kits further straing her relationship with her family.
  • Due to her bulk and longer coat she isn't as fond of swimming.
  • Pirates are legitametly wary of her.

Design Notes

Designer RollDown
Obtained created
Worth na
Status not for sale
  • Created to fill the gap in Garnet's family tree, and provide some blue for her assigned grandchildren
  • Bay is also a bit on the larger side, has a good bit of muscle and a wavier coat.