


4 years, 7 months ago


Given Name: Daichi Shisaku

False Name: Rex Gaomide

Age: 21

Personality: Cunning and fun loving individual. Can be childish at times around those he knows

Affiliation: DA3-O , Shisaku Clan

Likes: Dinosaurs, friends, mum's cooking

Club: Matheletics Club

Animus: Iguanna

Bio: Rex grew up in the Shisaku household, a yakuza clan with much influence, having not known the origins of his father. It was a common thing amongst members of the clan. Having a family with those outside the clan would only mean more potential weaknesses for them.

He always had a fun loving demeanor, but something was missing in his smile. It was around highschool when Rex met Vincent and Tyler. These two people who Rex met would have finally filled the weird void he had in his heart. He never knew he yearned for friendship until then. 

He had a hard time getting along with his classmates as just the drop of his last name was enough to scare his classmates to the bone. Vincent and Tyler were exceptions, they did not care for his family background and only saw Rex for who he was. 

Tyler often got into fights with other students, mostly his upper classmen. Rex would often watch as he liked seeing Tyler fight. Though he would step in when he thinks things were getting unfair. The perk of being a yakuza's child was that if you get involved with fights the blame was never placed on you, so Rex took this advantage to get Tyler out of trouble.

Close To: Vincent, Tyler, Raptor


- Rex has 4 siblings. 3 older 1 younger

- Despite his playful goofy nature, he's really academically smart. His favourite subject is Advanced Mathematics.

- He doesn't like being the center of attention. Ironic since he's the loudest out of DA3-O

- Only those close to him know his real name. His family and DA3-O. The latter often using it to strikes nerves when they get into arguments.