Lilly Watts



4 years, 6 months ago



Lilly Watts

tiger . 11 . she/her


Lilly's a cheerful, excitable, childish and kindhearted little girl. A steadfast optimist, she looks at the bright side of things and sees the best in people, always excited to make a new friend. She's very naïve and trusting, which can make her quite gullible at times.

Curious and energetic, Lilly often doesn't think things through and acts according to her whims, and is somewhat absent-minded and clumsy. She's pretty talkative and prone to rambling, and loves silliness and fun. She wears her heart on her sleeve and avoids lying, as she's terrible at it, but she's not above white lies or omitting the truth if she thinks honesty would be hurtful.

Lilly is sweet and affectionate, loving hugs and making others happy; she dreads the sight of a sad friend, always eager to help. This can backfire, however, as she can be somewhat overbearing in her enthusiasm and end up doing more harm than good despite her best intentions.


She has electric powers inherited from her late father. She's eager to use them but has yet to learn how to control her powers, often unleashing electricity without meaning to and getting dizzy afterwards. Between blowing up electrical items in her house and accidentally zapping herself or her friends on occasion, she's working on it.

When she's especially excited, she dances in place or runs around and the motion generates electricity.


  • She's very passionate about arts and crafts, having a large array of paper, pencils, stickers and the like. She especially loves drawing, and likes drawing things for her friends.
  • She loves plushies (she owns lots of them) and cartoons.
  • She keeps an illustrated diary-sketchbook where she draws out the things she and her friends get up to.
  • Her mom's name is Annabelle and she runs a flower shop.


Yarrow [ Cousin ]

Lilly's cousin! They were close as siblings when younger and Yarrow would always go to Lilly's and spend the summer there, but somewhere down the road Yarrow seemed to never be able to visit and they fell out of contact for a few years. This changed in the present time, as they've recently started living together after Yarrow's mother passed away and he came to live with Lilly and her mom.

Despite a rocky start, as Lilly was adamant to cheer him up while Yarrow just wanted to be left alone, their bond has been rekindled and continues to grow stronger. Lilly's rather pushy, but is supportive and means well, and Yarrow, though often exasperated at her and can come off as indifferent and abrasive at times, is fond of her. Their personalities often clash, but they help them learn from each other and grow.

Melon [ Best Friend ]

Lilly and Melon are the best of friends! Lilly brings out Melon's more affectionate and protective side, and Melon often helps ground Lilly when her head is in the clouds. Though Lilly often needs to remind herself that Melon values her personal space, Lilly's one of the few people Melon does like to hug from time to time. They both have the ability to drive each other crazy sometimes, but any resulting fights tend to be short-lasting and forgotten about by the end of recess.

Snap [ Close Friend ]

Lilly and Snap's cheerful and carefree personalities and their shared love for silliness and fun make them wonderful friends. Snap's jokes never fail to make Lilly laugh, and he loves having a receptive audience for them. Snap is the most physically affectionate one other than Lilly between their friends, and other than hugs, Lilly can often be seen being used as an armrest by Snap, leaning on him or climbing him for a higher advantage point.

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