Yarrow Watts



4 years, 6 months ago



Yarrow Watts

tiger . 11 . he/him


Quiet, serious and reserved, Yarrow mostly keeps to himself. He's quick to judge others and, though he doesn’t go out of his way to be rude, he can be rather standoffish and cold. Beneath his aloof, sullen and seemingly uncaring attitude, his emotions are often turbulent, but Yarrow is very hard on himself to keep them in check. He's somewhat sensitive to teasing, especially when it’s related to his powers.

He is withdrawn and prone to self isolating, both due to being wary of others and out of a desire to keep others safe. Despite this, Yarrow is kind and gentle at heart; with the help of Lilly and their friends, he gradually begins to open up and find a sense of belonging, becoming more accepting of his emotions and more willing to accept help.

When overwhelmed by a problem, Yarrow tends to avoid it rather than facing it head-on, which can lead to him overthinking and becoming more stressed. He has a strong sense of responsibility, and his cautious nature leads him to watch out for the wellbeing of his more carefree friends - though he's often frustrated by their antics and their recklessness.


Yarrow has fire powers inherited from his mother; they're linked with his emotions, and can flare up when he feels strong emotions. However, between being bullied over them and hurting other kids - including a dear friend - due to them going out of control, they've caused him a lot of grief when he was younger. This has led him to become terrified of his powers and feel shame and guilt over them, seeing them as a curse that makes him unstable and dangerous to be around.

Because of this, he's very self conscious about them, trying his hardest to keep them hidden, and hates it when they're pointed out. In his efforts to never use his powers, he's developed a bad habit of repressing his feelings, as well as pushing people away as to not put them in danger. Though seemingly manageable to him, that makes it all the worse when his bottled up emotions do come out; it becomes harder to bear after his mother's passing.

With the help of his friends, he slowly begins to become more accepting of his powers and the idea of practicing them in order to learn to work with them. He's still uncomfortable with using them for a long time, though, and avoids it unless absolutely necessary.


  • He enjoys playing the guitar. Though he's still learning how to play, he finds it relaxing.
  • He likes video games, anime and comics.
  • He doesn't mind sweets but prefers savory snacks for the most part (when it comes to sweets he prefers sour candy).
  • He's afraid of heights.


Lilly [ Cousin ]

Yarrow's cousin! They were close as siblings when younger and Yarrow would always go to Lilly's and spend the summer there, but somewhere down the road Yarrow seemed to never be able to visit and they fell out of contact for a few years. This changed in the present time, as they've recently started living together after Yarrow's mother passed away and he came to live with Lilly and her mom.

Despite a rocky start, as Lilly was adamant to cheer him up while Yarrow just wanted to be left alone, their bond has been rekindled and continues to grow stronger. Lilly's rather pushy, but is supportive and means well, and Yarrow, though often exasperated at her and can come off as indifferent and abrasive at times, is fond of her. Their personalities often clash, but they help them learn from each other and grow.

Snap [ Best Friend ]

Snap roped Yarrow into the role of best friend nearly as soon as Lilly introduced them to one another and refused to leave him alone. Despite his initial objections (and an incident where Snap's teasing unknowingly hurt Yarrow and earned him a punch in the face, which Snap took in stride), he eventually finds himself warming up to Snap's playful and somewhat obnoxious nature and comes to accept the role. Snap helps Yarrow loosen up somewhat, while Yarrow is a sensible influence on Snap.

Snap often drags Yarrow into his shenanigans and Yarrow, after initial protests, begrudgingly goes along with it, acting as Snap’s impulse control while complaining the entire time.

Melon [ Friend ]

Melon and Yarrow are often at odds. Because Melon is powerful, confident and proud of her powers, using them very casually, while Yarrow believes powers are dangerous and its use should be avoided at all costs, they often butt heads on the matter.

As the reasons for Yarrow's hesitation towards using powers come to light, they learn to leave each other alone, but don't quite know what to make of each other - however, as Melon eventually loses control of her own powers, they eventually learn they have more in common than they realize.

Garin [ Best Friends (as children); It's Complicated ]

Yarrow and Garin were best friends as younger children, before Garin had any powers; he was very protective of Yarrow, often picking fights with his bullies. After an accident with Yarrow's powers left Garin burned and Yarrow unwilling to ever use his powers again, Garin's mother had them move elsewhere, while Yarrow was left without knowing what happened to him, and they didn’t see each other since.

As Lilly and the others tried to keep Yarrow in the dark of their troubles with Garin at first, unaware they knew each other and wanting to give Yarrow space to grieve and heal, it took a while for them to meet again in the present. But as Garin caught sight of Yarrow after retreating from his and Melon’s big fight, he made himself known not long after, hopeful that Yarrow would join his side, as both were shunned for their powers.

Having just started to come to terms with his powers, Yarrow turns him down, not wanting to use them for actions he thinks are wrong; instead, he offers for Garin to join them, wanting to give him a chance of a better life. Garin doesn’t take it well, however, seeing it as Yarrow choosing his new friends over him and having his last shred of trust broken. Feeling betrayed and alone, Garin lashes out, now seeing Yarrow as his enemy; after a one-sided fight, he runs off, leaving behind a rift between them.

The current status of their relationship is turbulent and heavy with resentment and regret, but ultimately they still deeply care for one another; though Yarrow is unsure on how to reach out, and Garin won’t admit it even to himself.

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