



Name: Grayflight

Rank: Elder


Gender:  male 

Proof of Adoption:

Physical Description:


213 words

Grayflight is a kindly old cat, he has weathered quite a few storms and at this point is more than happy to spend his time stretched out in the sun and telling story to kittens. He actually absolutely adores kittens and other young cars and spending time with the little ones is his favorite part of being a member of a clan. He helped his mother with her many litters of his younger siblings and so his position of clan kitten sitter is one he is more than happy to fulfill as it brings back memories of when he was much younger.
Generally he avoids any kind of fighting or arguing or dissident of any kind, but he can still put a fight and will if he needs to, but only as a last ditch resort.
He is not one to speak up or go against the crowd, even if he believes that the majority is wrong or their decisions go against his morals he would rather keep quiet than risk pulling negative attention to himself and becoming ostracized from the group.
He is not above lying either to keep himself or keep anyone he cares about safe and has done so many times without anyone ever realizing they've ever been lied to.


Theme Song: