2. Sandclaw




Name: Sandclaw

Rank: Deputy 


Gender: Male 

Proof of Adoption: https://www.chickensmoothie.com/Forum/viewtopic.php?f=53&t=3748432

Physical Description:


229 words

Sandclaw is a cold cat, callous and stern, quicker to use his claws than his tongue, tending more to violence than to diplomacy.
He does not tolerate any nonsense from any of the other cats and often is quite insensitive to the emotional problems of those he interacts with.
He is quite blind to his own emotions as well and often struggles to identify the root of his frustration or anger towards another cat. Sometimes he ignores the problem, sometimes he uses his authority to bully his way out of his situation.
He does not have a dishonest bone in his body however and often brutally honest and open about his opinions. However sharp, cold, and prickly Sandclaw can be, he still does care about his clan, at least, not those he considers stupid or incompetent. He will put his life on the line for any clan members out of duty, but there are several that he would be truly shattered to lose. He does not care about many, but those he does, he doesn't know how to handle his emotions.
Typically he tries to show his affection by being even more honest and open about his opinions, which makes him only seem more sharp and harsh with them.
But for those who have known him long enough, the message gets though and they try to appreciate his efforts.  


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