
Name: Bearheart

Rank: Senrior Warrior 


Proof of Adoption:

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222 words

Bearheart is a very steady cat, leveled headed and typically quite dependable. Though at the same time quite forgettable, he blends into the crowd and usually no one remembers him until they need him. This causes him to feel quite lonely and he sometimes has trust issues with cats who do care about him, thinking that they only want him around because he's useful. He's traveled quite a lot and is more than knowledgeable on a great deal of things and more than useful to have on hand. He can fight and he can talk his way out of a fight. He is a keen judge of character and though often willing to give cats a chance, once betrayed or lied to he has made an enemy for a lifetime. He's protective of the friends he does make and the cats he considers friends and loyal to the death and dedicated to any promises he makes.
He can be impatient, especially when he considers the cat he is impatient with is holding out on him. He has a temper, but despite his impatience his temper is slow to show itself. He does not get angry easily but when he does snap, he really snaps. He becomes a blazing ball of anger, nearly completely unrestrained, he will kill and fight like rabid animal.


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