Mikumo (01 | Morning Sky)




Morning Sky

Morning Sky
Age Difference 1 Year
Height Difference 1/2 inch
Nicknames Mikumo
Current Status
Status Romantic Partners
Status TBD
Children TBD

You're honestly too good, Tanjiro. I want to be like you, honestly. I mean, you really are one of the best people I've ever known. . .


Morning Sky (明け方の空Akegata no Sora) is the pairing between Mikumo Kuromachi and Tanjiro Kamado.


Mikumo and Tanjiro met during the Asakusa Arc, wherein Mikumo was going on a mission of her own. They bumped into each other and while Tanjiro tried to ask help and make conversation, Mikumo politely declined him, saying she was on a mission of her own. She; however, wished him luck and that she's looking forward to see him come back alive.

They next met right before Tanjiro sees Zenitsu Agatsuma grovelling to a girl to marry him. She approaches Tanjiro, telling him that she recognizes him and is happy to see him again. She introduces herself, while Tanjiro returns the courtesy. She then asks him for some help, seeing as he is a Mizunoto and that he might know the person she's been trying to talk to the past few minutes. While she wishes he could stay and talk more, it's Tanjiro's turn to be busy. Mikumo hears small noises that she could only recognize as a demon come from the box Tanjiro was carrying, and suddenly dread washes over her. Tanjiro smells her dread, and suddenly worries.

They don't see each other until after Tanjiro leaves the Wisteria House with Zenitsu and Inosuke, and when he meets her again, she outright asks him if he's carrying a Demon with him. Zenitsu and Inosuke are quick to jump to Tanjiro's defense, and while Mikumo doesn't draw her blade, she gets into an outright fistfight with Inosuke, who takes her aggression as a challenge while Zenitsu panicks, holding Nezuko's box. Tanjiro attempts to break their fight, and succeeds when he manages to block Mikumo's strong punch with his forehead, injuring her hand.

A few hours later, Tanjiro explains his circumstance with Nezuko, and pleads with Mikumo to understand. Angered by his actions, and nearly in tears, Mikumo leaves running. Inosuke suggests chasing her down, but Tanjiro is disheartened, telling him that it's not worth the effort. However; he is willing to push and convince Mikumo that Nezuko is indeed different from other demons. Mikumo, on the other hand, thinks Tanjiro is delusional, and can't possibly be serious. She runs off to the Butterfly Estate to have her hand healed.

The next time she meets Tanjiro when he is taken to the Butterfly Estate. She still treats him coldly, despite him trying to warm up to her. Her own vindictiveness against demons made her refuse to see Tanjiro's genuine kindness and willingness to befriend her. It isn't until Shinobu Kocho does tell her that he's telling the truth, and that he's proven Nezuko is different. She then teases her that she can be the one to kill Nezuko if she gives in to human blood. Mikumo is struck because she did think of doing that, but she is taken by guilt. It is revealed that she is jealous, more than anything, that Nezuko was given a chance and not her father. Soon after, she does apologize to Tanjiro, and he mentions he understands. He can tell she's coming from somewhere. Not hate, but a "why not me" kind of place. He apologizes if his circumstances made her resent him. Guilt sinks into Mikumo and she's very taken by how genuine Tanjiro is, even in the face of being condemned.

While she recovers faster, she does help Tanjiro motivate the other two, to return the favor of his kindness to her. Soon after, Tanjiro brings her to see Nezuko, who is recovering in her own room. Even while she's asleep, Tanjiro introduces them both to each other. Mikumo is incredibly touched by Tanjiro's actions, reminding her of her older siblings. It turns into a conversation about how he can be so strong for his sister even if she became a Demon, that he was willing to face everything if it meant turning her back into a human. This is the time where Mikumo finally understood Tanjiro, and upon Nezuko waking up, pat Mikumo on the head. This moves her to tears because she can really see Nezuko is just as much a human as anyone is. She apologizes to her, only to earn a hug and a hum of acceptance.

@ me when I make more time to write this


I'm sorry my circumstances upset you, I wish there was a way to have saved your dad, too? I'm not going to be angry if my situation makes you resent me in any way, Mikumo. I understand.



Listen, Tanjiro just really really really befriends almost anyone he meets and Mikumo is no exception. He didn't feel much for her upon meeting her at first. Yeah, he acknowledged she was pretty and all, but nothing uwu of the sort. In fact, he was happy they were on friendly terms, and really liked that someone was nice enough to be that receptive to him. Yea it hurt him when she didnt understand Nezuko's situation, but he knew it was going to happen. Didnt stop him from convincing her. The more he hung out with her, the more he saw that Mikumo was trying to be strong for the only family she had left, and always promised to come back alive. Coming from the one who was always protected to the one doing the protecting, he admires her a lot for that, because it showed to him her strength of character. Despite her hostility towards him at first, he was willing to put that aside and he can see she's really changing her act because she can see his genuine personality. He; however, does end up getting flustered once Mikumo starts showing her more brash and childish self, being more blunt than her usual self. Though, it really warmed him because he knew that she feels safe enough around him to really start showing herself outside of demon slaying.

Mikumo knows Tanjiro isn't a bad guy, but holy shit is he naive. It was a little annoying for her, honestly, and her vindictiveness against demons didn't help. [TBA]

Honestly, between the two of them, it was Mikumo who took the first step in courting Tanjiro. She didn't realize she had this big crush on him that it took a bi monk ass to make her realize and admit anything. Also, Tanjiro is dense, so she took it upon herself to really court him. Even then, she still takes a lot of initiative, but Tanjiro so far has been doing his best to catch up to how much she does for him and Nezuko by fighting allongside her, if not protecting her if he could.

Nevertheless, they're honestly two kids who find happiness in each other and would honestly die for each other. Tanjiro gives Mikumo some sense of normalcy in her life, and he's become a confidant of hers because she's found emotional safety with him, and she still has no idea how he does it.


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  • Mikumo: My sword is bigger than your Tanjiro
    Tanjiro: :D It sure is!
  • Nezuko really really likes Mikumo. Mostly because when Tanjiro isn't around, Mikumo keeps Nezuko company and she does end up playing with her sometimes. Mikumo would die for Nezuko too ngl.
  • Mikumo has benchpressed Tanjiro at one point, to which Inosuke actively sought to challenge.
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Profile by Erandia
Edted by Glasses-Dog