


4 years, 4 months ago



Name Alistair
Age 35
Pronouns He/him
Race Demon
Role Bartender
Origin Proudspire


Height 6'5"
Build content
Eyes Yellow and Orange
Skin N/A
Hair Black and white
Marks/Scars Mismatched pupils
"I have no problem lying to my colleagues, if the payoff is good enough. Knowing that, what can you offer me?"


TITLE: The Late Night Devil, The Dealmaker, The Backdoor Man

HALO: Barbed Wire

Literally just. The Worst. He's charismatic, suave, and would shake your hand and stab you in the back at the same time. His goals revolve around one thing: the pursuit of power. For some godforsaken reason, Alistair aspires to become a demon prince. He wants to exert his influence in the world not through little acts, but in sweeping gestures. He craves the notoriety that comes with being a demon lord. And he'll do whatever it takes to get to that level. He'll step over a thousand corpses of friends, family, employers, patrons, to get to where he wants to go. He has very little loyalty; even his patron, Witherbrand, isn't someone he'd bend a knee to. He wants to put on this façade, this persona of a man who can get you what you want when you want, for one hell of a price. He wants to be a dealmaker. He wants his name to carry weight. He wants people to know who he is as he carves his influence into the flesh of the world. He knows exactly what to say when it comes to getting what he wants or getting out of trouble. He’s also found that pandering to people gets you much farther along than bullying them. Hence the nonstop politeness. He panders. So much. To so many people. But it's gotten him to where he wants to be so far, so why would he stop? 

There's basically two faces to this dude. There's the face he wears when he's dealing with people he cares about, and the face he wears when he's dealing with people that he has no interest in beyond using them. Essentially, whatever bs polite face he puts on to the public becomes legitimate. He recognizes the value of having friends and is quite keen  on keeping them around. He reserves genuine care for people like his family, his partner, and the very few true friends he has. Courteous and friendly, to a point. He's a man of many faces, and sometimes it's hard to tell which are genuine and which are facetious. He also tends to act on whims a lot. Sometimes he'll just do things because he's bored, and he wants to see how people react. Externally, it usually seems like he doesn't give a flying fuck about what's  happening. Internally, he has issues with anger, and can hold a grudge  like nobody's business. The second that somebody becomes useless to him, they are discarded. Not necessarily through murder, but he will up and leave them without so much as a goodbye. He has little interest in  getting involved with affairs beyond his immediate circle and boy does it show. Has told hell to suck his ass on multiple occasions and refuses to answer to any higher demons. As far as he's concerned, he's a completely separate entity from the rest of the infernal lot.

The boon of associating with him comes with his contacts. As a bartender, especially a bartender in somewhere like the Side Eye, comes with some benefits. Some of the worst criminals are comfortable with his presence, trust him enough to let him serve them drinks. His colleagues are seedy, yes, but he can hook you up with just about anything you need. Alistair also trades in information; if you need dirt on a person, he can certainly provide. The amount of gossip and secrets he picks up at work borders on absurd at times. It's great!


Alistair grew up in a relatively large family. He has two mothers, two fathers, and two siblings. His mothers, Geraldine and Glides Through Snow, run a bakery in his hometown, and his fathers, Vittori and Townsend, run the confectionery shop next door. Sugar has been all but infused in his blood. His younger brother, Kason, is enchanter/alchemist, and his older sister Amaranth is a blacksmith. Unlike Kason, Alistair didn’t join the family business when we came of age. Instead, he moved to the bustling city of Shadeband to pursue a career in bounty hunting. A life of baking or crafting had little appeal to him, so he went out and forged his own way. His parents supported the decision, but had no idea what he’s actually getting himself into. He’s not a bounty hunter that works for the side of good by tracking down criminals; he’s more on the side of ‘if you pay me enough coin, I’ll track down anyone.’ A large part of his clientele are higher-end criminals/mob people that are looking for other higher-end criminals/mob people who have gone into hiding. Sometime during the course of his early career, he comes into contact with a peculiar rapier, forged with an unknown black metal that seems to absorb the light around it. This rapier is Witherbrand. Witherbrand promises Alistair power in exchange for… something. Something that hasn’t been revealed yet. When Alistair is between jobs, he runs a little place called the Side Eye, a surprisingly fancy nightclub where shady people gather to organize shady things. He’s far from the nastiest dude there in terms of reputation, but he’s no outsider either. People respect him for two reasons primarily: his reputation precedes him, and they’re aware of the fact that any one of them could end up on his hit-list at any time, and he keeps the booze flowing. He bears no ill will towards his primary patrons. He’s also aware that they are all potential targets, but there’s no need to jump the gun. Until their name appears on a contract, he considers them allies. When Alistair needs to leave the Side Eye to take care of business, he leaves Malthallow, a halfling-tiefling, and a pair of imps in charge of the place. 

He achieves demonhood with the help of his patron. And what does he do with this newfound power? He shoves off, lifts his bar out of the mortal plane and onto a demiplane, and continues business as usual. The bar appears to those who need it, whatever their reason may be. One might find the Side Eye through a door in an alley that wasn't there before, or maybe led to a different place entirely before. A lot of his power as The Dealmaker relies on consent; people willingly entering his debt. Which happens kind of a lot! He's one of the more reliable demons out there; if you contract him to do something for you, he'll follow through 100%. It's the part that comes after that gets people. He always asks for a favor in return. Vaguely outlined favors; but always favors, to be called in at a later date. It could be as simple as repairing a carpet, or as complex as an assassination. It's almost impossible to know what he'll ask someone for, but once he does, they're on the hook for it, with no chance for escape. One either follows through with their part of the deal, or they forfeit their soul to The Dealmaker. It's fucked up, but they literally asked for it.

Because of the otherworldliness of his bar, part of his power has been extended to his staff: Malthallow, Mortal, Peril, and Basil to some extent.


  • A good vintage
  • Playing the piano
  • People who don't read the fine print
  • Hazelnut coffee


  • Getting wet
  • Wasting time
  • Being touched w/o permission
  • Beer


  • Likes being scratched behind the ears and under the jaw. Only one person is allowed to know and do this.
  • Very rarely partakes in any of his wares. Doesn’t really drink that much.
  • He usually only purrs when he’s in pain or stressed out. Usually.
  • He lets approximately one (1) person call him Alis. Everyone else is liable to get hit.

Playlist - Link

Looking Like This - Lyre Le Temps

Demon Kitty Rag - Katzenjammer

Mr. Pinstripe Suit - Big Bad Voodoo Daddy

No Strings Attached - Swingrowers

Speakeasy - Alex Ernst



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Michaelis Abbott [ Rival/Spouse ]

Alistair and Michaelis are rivals in a race to godhood, with Michaelis  taking the eldritch route and Alistair taking the fiendish one. When  they both started their paths, the two made a friendly bet. Whoever  ascends last owes the other something priceless- to be determined at the  time of ascension, because value changes as time progresses. What is  priceless now isn't necessarily going to be priceless at the end. Neither of them are actually sure if this goal is attainable, but they’re  having a hell of a time getting there. The two have a love hate relationship. On one hand, absolutely ride or die, joined at the hip and practically married, but on the other hand... They would both sell each other to Satan for a single corn chip. The two talk a big game about hating each other, but it's almost painfully obvious that they're in love.


Kason [ Younger Brother ]

They're actually on very positive terms. Kason is Alistair's younger  brother by seven minutes. He is also the third person who knows what Alistair's end goals are. While he's not necessarily thrilled by the  thought, there isn't much he can do to change his brother's mind. The two were very close when they were kids, and while they're still close as adults, they don't see each other very often, as Kason often has school and Alistair has multiple jobs. Once every few months or so, Kason swings by and stays in town for a few days to catch up. Alistair stocks the bar with whatever candy Kason finishes at any time, as a way to support his brother's sugary aspirations.


Amaranth [ Older Sister ]

Amaranth is Alistair's older sister by three minutes. While the two are  close, they share a more stereotypical antagonistic sibling  relationship. You know the one. The one that swings wildly between 'Yo I’ll help you hide the body' and 'Don't even breathe in my general  direction.' Amaranth gave Alistair his first concussion when she pushed him off of a building when they were 11. They also learned how to play the piano together. In fact, Amaranth gave him the shrinking grand piano as a housewarming gift when he first opened the Side Eye. The two of them traded names in their early teen years, after they both came out as trans. While they're still close as adults, it's been years since the two have seen each other in person.


Malthallow [ Friend/Employee ]

Malt and Alistair have known each other for almost as long as both of them have been alive. Their parents were part of the same adventuring party/polycule, so even as toddlers they spent a lot of time together. When Alistair opened the Side Eye, Malt was the first person he hired to help run the joint. The two are tied in more ways than just friendship and employment, but they're both very hush-hush about it. Malt and Alistair share a similar end goal as well. He trusts Malt with his life.


Basil [ Employee ]

Malthallow recommended that Alistair should hire Basil for the Side Eye as either a bartender, a bouncer, or both. Alistair reluctantly obliged. Basil isn't the best employee ever, electing to spend most of his time playing games of chance in a corner booth with whatever patrons he can wrangle into it, but he can't seem to get rid of him. Technically, Alistair is his warlock patron, but the cat suspects that Basil is more than he says he is.


Hugo Korzha [ Friend? ]

Hugo has worked with Alistair once or twice in the past, either when his jobs became more mundane or Alistair’s needed backup. The two are neutral towards each other; Hugo thinks that Alistair is decent at his job, and Alistair quite enjoys how dependable Hugo is. However, the two don’t actively seek each other out, outside of work. Well, Hugo doesn't actively seek out Alistair. Vice versa is a slightly different ordeal. Alistair likes to show up and hang around with him whenever he's in town, whether he likes it or not. Hugo doesn't seem to care.


Chasm Mel'tar [ Tried to Kill, Failed ]

Alistair has been hired to kill Chasm a handful of times. Chasm has  beaten Alistair to a pulp a handful of times. He's shown up at the Side Eye once or twice, though nobody's sure whether it was for the drinks or to taunt the cat. The two share both a hatred of and a begrudging respect for each other.


Hayliel [ Tried to Kill Him, Failed ]

Hayliel has been ordered to kill Alistair by Phanuel no less than four  times. The first time she came after him, she kicked down the door to  his bar and tried to gut him in the middle of the restaurant. Unlike  Chasm, who thrashed her mercilessly, Alistair refused to meet her as an equal in combat, electing instead to forcibly remove her from his premises. It didn't hurt her that much, but he made sure it was publicly humiliating. She is cemented in his mind as someone who is deserving of little respect from him.

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