


4 years, 6 months ago



Name: Claire

Epithet: The Medium

Motifs and symbols: eyes, eyeballs, cameras, lenses

Occupation: High school student

Age: 16

Backstory: Her birth mother never wanted children in the first place, and the moment she learned her daughter was blind, she gave Claire up for adoption. Her new adoptive father took her to many different hospitals for examinations, but each time the doctors said that inability to see was psychological, not physical. After seeing Claire’s potential in developing telepathic abilities, her father used his connections to technology companies and his own engineering background to create Claire’s first mechanical eye, which she named “Iris.” Soon after, he was able to build two more, “Luke” and “Cornelius,” and over the years he upgraded them with more camera-like qualities and abilities. Unfortunately, word got out and the government, fearful of what he was creating, ordered him to destroy his machines. Her father was able to smuggle Claire and her machines safely out of the government’s jurisdiction, and thanks to her hard work and scholarships, she now lives a steady life in a different country far away from the one she knew as home, which her father still resides in. She herself has decided to also study engineering, and was able to upgrade some of her cameras herself.

Abilities: Heavily reliant on the three levitating cameras she has, which transmits information to her telepathically. All three can serve the purpose of allowing her to see normally and are able to take photos and record footage. Cornelius specializes in vision filters such as night vision and heat detection, but must always stay within 20 feet of Claire. Luke specializes in scanning and facial recognition. It can move up to 400 feet away from Claire and has zooming capabilities of 50X. Iris is the main camera Claire uses to see; it specializes in body language analysis and attack prediction; illusionists cannot affect her, and Tieval’s invisibility does not work against her. Iris must stay within 6ft of Claire, but can fold itself to the size of approximately a smart phone. All three cameras run silently, but have a soft whirring sound if pushed slightly out of range. Once they are 5 ft out of their recommended range, they will automatically shut off, requiring Claire to manually turn them back on. Each camera can transmit images to each other and use their respective abilities; if attempting to stack abilities in real time, Iris will be the main camera and Cornelius and Luke may add filters onto Iris’s feed, but there will be a slight lag and it renders the two other cameras useless. They have no distinct odor, and each can move up to 13 km per hour. Claire herself has no offensive skills, and thus likes to stay out of trouble. However, she has the unique ability to gauge someone’s current abilities, similar to a power level reader, and uses Iris to display those. This ability is more powerful when she touches something directly, and she becomes able to read thoughts as well.

Personality: Meek and shy, but warms up to people quickly. Hates confrontation and generally amicable, but dangerous to get on her bad side, as her scanners can feed her information to hurt her enemies exactly where it hurts. Although her cameras are just machines and are not sentient, she gave each of them a name and fondly treats them like her pets, and likes giving them headpats even though they never have any reaction. Gets flustered quickly and apologizes frequently, especially when Cornelius accidentally bumps into things.