


4 years, 9 months ago



Name: Cassidy

Epithet: The Rebel

Motifs: fish skeletons, serpents, angler fish, sea creatures

Occupation: Guitarist

Age: 23

Backstory: The seaside town Cas grew up in was once a pirate hotspot, but has since switched to the fishing industry. A megacorporation had set its eyes on the town’s lucrative ocean scenery, and came in to destroy and rebuild it as a private resort for high society. The town’s government was too meek to do anything, so Cas, a bass guitarist from a local band, decided to take matters in her own hands. When meetings and protests worked to no avail, Cas resorted to underhanded methods such as vandalism and harassing corporation workers. Soon enough, her band members, fans, and other young adults joined her in her cause. The local news and government denounced them as a “dangerous gang,” but deep down everyone was glad that she was fighting for their town’s survival. The head of the corporation eventually hired a professional to “get rid of her” who threw her into the ocean. However, the guardian deity of the sea, a serpent known as Leviathan, saved Cas, as she reminded him of the Robin Hood-esque band of pirates that once ruled the seas. Leviathan had been protecting the town in their stead, and he recognized Cas as the pirates’ spiritual successor as well as the dangers of letting the corporation do as they pleased. Thus, he brought Cas to his underwater realm, healed her wounds, and trained her in strategy and fighting. Before sending her to the surface again, Leviathan granted her the power to use any subjects from his domain, a power she may keep if she successfully deters the coporation from causing damage to the town.

Abilities: She can breathe underwater thanks to Leviathan’s blessing, as well as summon any saltwater aquatic lifeform underwater to come to her aid. The more intelligent they are, the harder they are to control; as a result, she cannot summon aquatic mammals or octopi easily, and can only try to convince them to listen to her with varying degrees of success. Freshwater fish can be summoned but are also harder to control because they are not directly ruled by Leviathan. Outside of water, Cas can only summon vertebraes and must be near a stable water source where they can materialize from, and they appear as skeletons that swim through the air. The source needs to be either at least 300 liters of water or four times the volume of the creature she’s summoning. Cas tends to summon anglerfish and other deep-sea fish, as she cannot see them in their natural habitat. She also likes summoning sharks; although they are harder to control than other fish, they seem to be fond of her and listens to her commands quite keenly. Because of her background, she can also fight with spears, tridents, and nets, but because everyone in the fishing industries and every delinquent in the town have the same skillset, it doesn’t give her any advantages unless dealing with outsiders.

Personality: Brash, loud, and unafraid of speaking her mind. Likes to tease people a lot and is good at throwing shade as well. However, she never has any malicious intent behind her words, if one of her comments truly bothered the receipient, she will immediately aplogize and stop. She prefers to intimidate people with flashy gestures and aggressive behavior to deter her opponents, but in actual fights she disregards good sportsmanship and does anything to win. Unlike other townsfolk who revere Leviathan as a god to be feared, Cas’s attitude towards him is very casual and treats Leviathan like an old friend instead, even nicknaming him Levi.