


4 years, 9 months ago




Name: Othello

Epithet: The Fallen Prince

Motifs: Black roses, rapiers, masquerade masks, broken crowns, broken glass

Occupation: Vigilante

Age: Appears to be late 20s

Backstory: [wip]

Abilities: He had some training when he was younger, but is mostly self taught. Othello’s main weapon is a rapier, although he can fight quite well with other swords such as longswords, sabers, scimitars or katanas (albeit with an unconventional stance). He’s less experienced but comfortable with other bladed weapons such as axes or scythes as well, although he doesn’t use them as often. Othello can use ranged weapons but only at the level of an amateurish enthusiast, and he absolutely detests guns like the rest of his people. Although his skillset in abilities is similar to a knight’s or a paladin’s, his physical build and appearance are more similar to a rogue’s, which he uses to his advantage as people underestimate him quite often. He has a great deal of stamina and experience thanks to his many expeditions and quests, but because those were all undertaken by himself, he isn’t the best team fighter. Othello also possesses a charmspeak and enchanted allure ability, which works on all genders within 100 square feet. Although he can use these abilities in combat, he prefers not to as he actually enjoys fighting his opponents; rather, he uses it more during his journeys to get free items and resources so he can carry the least amount of money possible, as well as cleaning up any trouble that arises.

Personality: [wip]