Reno Kyouharazai



4 years, 4 months ago


Reno Kyouharazai
A flower held close shed tears.

Gender Demigirl
Pronouns She/her
Orientation Lesbian
Ultimate Fantasy Writer
Height 5'6" | 167cm
Alignment Chaotic Evil
Birthday November 3
Nationality Japanese

masks kimonos traditional red/blue/black

  • Moonlight
  • Umbrellas
  • Japanese Folklore
  • Sci-fi
  • Robotics
  • Being underestimated
Design Notes;

  • Reno is almost blind in her right eye, while her red eye has myopia— she never got that properly checked.
  • You'll almost never see her not wearing a kimono. All of her kimonos are custom-made, and tend to have particular meanings in its symbols and patterns: the moon in Reno's hakama is a symbol of inner enlightenment, spirituality and dreams, while the lotuses in her sleeves symbolize attaining enlightenment.
  • The lotus flower is a particularly important symbol for Reno: The idea is that we can rise above human suffering in the same way as the lotus by moving from the lowest to the highest state of consciousness. It also represents rebirth and death.
  • The red flower in her chest is a hairpin who once belonged to her older sister, Sakuya.
  • The blue ribbon tying her hair is a match with her sister's red ribbons.
  • She has a couple of scars— one in a 'X' pattern in her left forearm, and one in a '/' pattern in her right one, along a cut scar in her right foot.
  • Reno's arms usually are full of scribblings in red on them— whenever she doesn't have a notebook with her, she writes her ideas and concepts in her own body as to not forget about it.

  • Reno's penname is Meimu Kuzeshiki: Meimu means 'fantasy, fallacy, delusion' while Kuzeshiki is an annagram of a sutra ("form is emptiness; matter is void; all is vanity", which ties in with the Lotus Sutra teachings of emptiness as a necessary step for enlightenment.
  • The Kyouharazai family line is a distinguished family in Reno's village; they're descendants of a famous priest practically revered by the small villages nearby and own a fortune alongside the only big shrine in the area.
  • She always carries with her a custom-made knife with her name carved on it. Its use is reserved for a special occasion.
  • She's some flavor of neurodivergent.
  • While Reno usually plays around with diverse fantasy genres, she particularly likes to write about magical realism and horror fantasy, instead of the more western-oriented epic fantasy.
  • She started writing to cope with Sakuya's death.
Important Relationships;

  • Hanako Kyouharazai (Mother) - According to Kaho, she ran away and left Reno and Sakuya in her mother's care when they were really small. Sakuya remembered more about her, but Reno barely even knows what she looks like.
  • Suzuki Kyouharazai (Father) - The reason why Reno's older brother doesn't live with them. Reno knows pretty much nothing about him, only that he apparently got involved with dangerous people.
  • Kaho Kyouharazai (Grandmother) - Deceased; Took care of Reno and Sakuya. She was really strict and made sure to have Reno and Sakuya stick by their family customs at all times. She protected them both until the end. Cause of death was overworking.
  • Sakuya Kyouharazai (Older Sister) - Deceased; Was really bright and sociable compared to her sister; which made Reno often feel inferior and useless. She fell from a cliff while playing. Reno is deeply haunted by her death to this day, to the point where she sometimes claims to be haunted by her sister's ghost.
  • Kyousuke Kyouharazai (Older Brother) - He's a lot older than his sisters and lived with his father in the capital from the start, which made him really distant from the both of them. Reno hasn't talked to him in years, now. Famous for his ability in wielding knives.
  • Juno Catullus (Friend) - "Juno. Would you like to go to a resort with me." ( o o )
  • Willow Shimizu (Friend) - She really respects them. She'd like to talk to them more, and visit their hometown.
  • Aspen Shimizu (???) - She has never been so fascinated with someone. Is that what being head over heels feels like?

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code by jiko