Basic Info

Full Name:

Flying Turns

Responds to:

FT, Turns





Age(As Coaster):


Age(As Humanoid):


Human Alias:

Flynn Turman



Height(As Humanoid):



Flying Turns(Riverview Park)(Parent)

Date Of Birth/Opening:

October 5th, 2013

Date Of Death/Closure:


Location In Park:



Knoebels (In-House)

Coaster Track/Structure Type:


Owner Of Coaster Being Personified:

Knoebels, John Fetterman, and John A. Miller.


Flying Turns likes to remark that he’s “made in the wrong century”, with his love for anything “vintage” (which in this case is anything from the ‘20s to the ’40s). His biggest interest is anything relating to aviation, and he can go on for hours and hours about it. Being on wheels 24/7 helps Turns get to his destinations quickly, despite the differences in terrain at Knoebels and his unabashed clumsiness. He has a habit of being late for things; fitting for a coaster whose opening was bogged down by constant delays (but he is always quick to apologize). Turns likes to have things go “as they should”; when unexpected elements are thrown into the fray, he becomes overwhelmed and distressed. FT can also struggle with conveying his emotions to others, as his voice usually lacks tone and his face can be unexpressive. With an aviation theme comes the power of flight, as evidenced by a (detachable) tail and retractable wings. Turns has a tic where, if not preoccupied or under an extreme emotional state, he will hover over his coaster and fly around in a “figure-8” pattern until the “mood” is over. Even with Turn’s social awkwardness and trouble getting interested in other people’s conversations, he still managed to have a good relationship with almost everyone in the park. Phoenix is his favorite, as both of them like discussing “vintage” items and things related to flight.Turns rates Twist as an awesome musician, even if he’s not a fan of rock. She does (lightly) tease him about his clumsiness sometimes. Kozmo is his “co-pilot”, and the two can be seen up in the sky, looking for the best camping spot, which would change each year. After their initial year of roughness, BD and Turns have maintained a positive friendship from that point on; they like to talk about geography as it relates to gemstones. Finally, Impulse likes to teach Turns about the science behind the planes that Turns loves so much. The sky may be his limit, but Flying Turns soars through his world!