


7 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


Nyanko Atomu


Pinky, Bunny




June 23




He/Him, They/Them


5'2 / 156cm


Pansexual / Panromantic





Headcanon Voice

Nyanners: YouTube

Relationship Status



"My fists are rated E for everyone."

Nyanko's body is similar to a females. He lacks having certain masculinity features such as strong abs or arm muscles. Instead his hips are wider and his stomach is slim with some minor abs due to working out and self defense lessons. While his hips are a bit big they aren't insanely huge, they are actually slim but still noticeable considering his overall appearance is very feminine. He has bright blue eyes along with long, straight pink hair. His clothing is pastel based, more laid back. However he does own fairy kei based clothing. It's not much of his thing but he still likes it. Nyanko is fond of rabbits and rabbit related objects, he owns a lot of rabbit themed hair accessories.

Nyanko is very mom like and cares for his brothers dearly. 

Despite being male, he likes playing the 'wife' role in a relationship. He doesn't believe much in gender roles and thinks that men can be house caretakers too. He adores cooking, baking, and gardening to a very strong extent. He prefers to keep things clean and likes to keep the house in tip-top shape. Nyanko is indeed the younger one out of his brothers but he's the most maturest. He is always there to give his brothers advice and helps them out in any way he can. He is a true sweetie and extremely generous, he isn't afraid to give to the needy or treat guests like kings, hospitality is a huge part of his personality. It's very rare for him to lose his temper when it comes to waiting and will only huff out if he's being pushed to the limit. He's a patient boy whether it be waiting in line or dealing with hard-headed costumers during work. He is, unfortunately, extremely morbid when it comes to his loved ones; mainly his brothers. He likes to keep them close to him and protect them from any harm. If anyone dares to put a finger on his brothers he will flip out insanely and go off to kill whoever it was. He has a history of having blood on his hands and it seems the list keeps getting longer and longer. He's murdered his uncle and two of Natsumi's bullies, he really won't hold back until justice is served. He does despise those who diss him but won't go to extreme measures to kill them. He thinks breaking their legs is a good enough lesson for them. It doesn't take much to piss him off when it comes to insults and such. He uses his fists to do the talking, he doesn't care much for verbal attacking, bones snapping is much more appealing to him. His combat skills and strength are quite scary, due to his strength he has no problem walking out late at night or entering creepy dark alleys because he knows damn well whoever is on the other side will get their teeth knocked in. He stands up for what's right and refuses to be the person who's backed up in a corner. Nyanko is stronger than he looks, including his mindset. He has confidence and guts, don't underestimate him. He's the type to not feel sorry about harming people whose done him or his loved ones any harm.



Character Interaction

Natsumi- (Older Brother)
"What happened to you?"
Nyanko loves his brother to the fullest but doesn't find Natsumi's selfishness very appealing. Nyanko is always there to listen to his brother's vents/rants though he sometimes has to get assertive with Natsumi's behavior towards Nagisa; he just wants his brothers to get along. When Nyanko found out about Natsumi's abuse with being bullied, he was completely shattered. He was hurt from this fact and blamed himself for not doing anything about it. He went off to get revenge on two of Natsumi's bullies as a way to apologize for his neglect for his brother.


Nagisa- (Older Brother)
"I will protect you with my life."
Nyanko currently lives with Nagisa as emotional support and protection. After Nagisa's abusive relationship with their uncle; in who he eventually kills after he found out, Nyanko vowed to protect his brother so a similar situation wouldn't happen again. He's always worrying over Nagisa and tries to watch over him the best that he can. However, Nyanko doesn't agree with the things Nagisa's says towards Natsumi. He believes Nagisa is also very prideful and not just Natsumi.


"I hope no one has bothered you today."
They met in self-defense lessons and eventually bonded over their hate for gender roles.
He likes to keep Natsumi and Pascal separated because he dislikes all of the negative interactions they have together.


Cosima - (Admires / Huge fan)
"I admire you so much!"
He absolutely loves Cosima's performances and is his favorite performer at the Arioch Circus. He owns a handmade Cosima figurine made by Cosima himself. He has lots of autographs signed by Cosima.


-Nyanko doesn't look like it but he'll kick your ass if you start any trouble with him.
-He holds a lot of skills: such as knowing how to cook, bake, sew, clean, and fix things
-He has a soft spot for butterflies and flowers.
-He behaves morbidly towards injustice.
-He dislikes people who underestimate him.
-He is very trustworthy.
-He loves rabbits a lot and often collects rabbit themed objects.
-He can be a terrible tease to other people. In a non-harmful way.
-He's broken people's bones before. His strength is.....scary.
-injustice and inequality irks him to an eerie extent.
-He will protect his friends, family, and anyone who needs it.
-He's motherly and supportive when needed.
-Need to vent or rant? He's always open to listen.
-He currently lives with Nagisa.
-No matter how tall or independent you are, he will take care of you.
-He loves going to the circus and will fanboy a lot about his favorite performers.
-It's all fun and games until he whoops all your asses.
-He works out at the gym whenever he finds time.
-A lot of the people in his area have grown comfortable with his femininity. They don't stare or get confused whenever they see him.
-or maybe it's because they know he'll beat their ass if they start anything.
-He is hypocritical to a certain extent. He hates injustice but doesn't see Natsumi's behavior as wrong and will even justify it.
-He speaks Japanese and Italian.
-He cannot speak English very well.


Likes: roses, cooking, strawberries, pastels, ribbons, bunnies, his family and friends, protecting those he loves, the color pink
Dislikes: Injustice, bullies, abuse, being ignored, his uncle, anyone hurting his family or loved ones