Petya Vesselov





Profile Warnings

This character's profile contains sensitive subject material, listed here:

  • Death
    • Located in:
      • Backstory, AU tab
  • Alcohol
    • Located in:
      • Personality tab, images
  • Smoking
    • Located in:
      • Personality tab, images


Tabs with a are the most important!

Wishlist Tab (top)

A short list of themes/scenes I'd love to see the character in, should you want inspiration.

Permissions Tab (top)

The most important tab! It outlines what kind of themes/art are and aren't allowed for this character. I would appriciate it if you read this tab, as some characters have very specific permissions.

Playlist Tab (top)

A short list of songs I think fit the character. You're welcome to give suggestions as well, I always love finding new music!

Design Tab

Basic design notes and a reference image. I would appriciate it if you read this tab, as some characters have very specific design notes.

Personality Tab

A short description of the character's personality, traits, likes, and dislikes.

Slideshow Tab

Slideshow of pictures of the character.

Trivia Tab

The characters skills, hobbies, and some triva, all condensed in short bullet points

Story Tab

A SHORT backstory. Might discuss childhood, career, and family. If you want to know their backstory but don't want read the 1-3 paragraphs in this tab, check the intro tab out!

Relationships Tab

Informative breakdown of charater's relationships with other characters. Click each tab to see the contents. Only important if you're drawing an interaction. (works best on computer or landscape mode!)

Intro Tab

1-2 paragraph description of the character. Think of it like a book blurb.

Worldbuilding Tab

Breif description of some story elements specific to my world.

AU Tab

A list and description of AUs the character belongs to. Inclues AU-specific story highlights, trivia, and relationships.

Favourites Tab

List-style breakdown of the characters favourite things.

Stats Tab

Uses sliders to show off the character's personality stats. (works best on computer or landscape mode!)

Closet Tab

Shows off some IRL clothes I use as inspiration for outfits. You can draw the character in any of these outfits. This tab is a WIP!

Family Tree

A small fammily tree showing the characters parents, siblings, romantic partner/s, and children. Formatting is a little weird on mobile, sorry!



  • Body Build
    Fairly athletic (six pack)
About 6 feet
Eye Colour
Pale Blue
Hair Colour
Brown, ends dyed red
Hair Style
Half shaved, falls over his eyes a little
Full resolution here.


  • Skin
Yes (click me!) Peircings
Yes (click me!)
Preferred Clothing
Leather Jackets
T-shirts, sleeveless shirts
Ripped jeans
Silver infinity necklace (not optional)
Glasses (not optional)
Black nail polish
Things to Note
Will wear anything with a Top5! logo
Style is generally punk
His nose has been broken at least once before and probably not treated correctly so it's a little crooked
Doesn't wear a lot of bright colours



  • Dumbass
  • Impulsive
  • Dry/dark sense of humour
  • Reckless


  • Drinking
  • Gambling
  • Tattoos
  • Telling people off
  • Boys
  • Teen pop bands
  • Drawing/art


  • The government
  • Most people
  • The government, again
  • His family
  • Authority
  • The police

"заводила - Russian word for one who starts things"

Has the moral compass of a self centered and aggressive goldfish. Low-key a dumbass, but it's okay. An impulsive self-proclaimed punk, he cares more about the moment than the consequences. He pisses most people off and is very proud of that. He's also very secretive about his life, and especially about his past in Russia. He drinks heavily, and has a ridiculously high alcohol tolerance. He has a very weak filter and tends to speak his mind, even when it isn't a good idea. However, he knows how to keep a secret, and definently knows how to lie. He is rather paranoid about people breaking into his house, and so keeps self defense weapons handy.


Skills, Hobbies, Trivia

  • BEING A D!CK: Pissing off the general population
  • THE FIRE DEPARTMENT HATES HIM!: Smoking on fire escapes
  • BEING A MASSIVE FANBOY: Translating Top5! songs into Russian
  • SELECTIVE SOBRIETY: Doesn't drink when kids are present
  • RIP PAVEL: Fidgets with necklace when nervous
  • BLYAT: Curses mainly in Russian
  • AN' ALL EM' NUMBERS: Good with mathamatics and finances
  • FLEX TAPE: Very adaptable and flexible in difficult circumstances
  • HOW IS HE NOT IN JAIL: Good liar and knows how to not get caught when participating in... not so legal activities
  • DUMBASS: Reckless and almost never considers the consequences of his actions
  • GENERAL ASS: Comes off as abrassive to most people and doesn't make friends easily
  • SECRETIVE: Doesn't open up to those who care about him when something is wrong
  • CREATIVITY: Art, especially tattoo designs
  • FOOD: Cooking, to some extent
  • NUMBERS: Math/finances
  • Wants to be a civil rights/LGBT+ activist in Russia
  • Sera's little sister Stephanie got him into a teen boy band called Top 5. He *really* likes them
  • The only people he misses from his old life are his younger nephews, whom he was pretty close with
  • He slept with a set of brass knuckles under his pillow until Serafina made him put them in a locked safe. She doesn't know about the knives under the matrress though!
  • He's really good with kids after having raised his three nephews
  • He sometimes calles Brody 'babe' when he's upset with him
  • Burned down a building once. 10/10 would absolutely do it again too
  • He was escorted off the plane when he landed in America by security. Reason? He slammed the laptop of the guy next to him (while the guy was using it) for continually refusing to move
  • Punched a tree out of anger once, then told a concerned looking bystander to "f--k off, unless you want to be next"
  • Listens to pretty much any radio station
  • Mainly likes love songs and happy music though
  • Knows the words to every single Top5! song (see the worldbuilding tab)
Code by AviCode




He was raised in the Russian countryside by his aunt and uncle after his parents died of... something he isn't supposed to know about. His best friend/boyfriend back in Russia was Pavel (more info below), who was killed, prompting Petya's move to America. Pavel was the one who gave him all of his tattoos, save for the two on his chest, which he got in memorium. Before leaving his hometown, he burned down the police station as a final act of vengence for Pavel.

More Backstory

Serafina was the only one to volunteer to take him in, seeing as she speaks fluent Russian and is a literal saint. Despite their many, many differences, the two became as close as siblings, and commonly refer to each other as such. She introduced him to Brody, whom he hated on first sight (or was it really love? hmm...). They eventually got together, but kept it a complete secret so Brody wouldn't be outed. Unfortunently, some of the other football players who wanted Brody off of their team found out, and threatened to expose them. Brody blamed Petya for this, and they broke up for about a month. Eventually Brody was convinced to talk with Petya, but the two were lured into a trap by the same football blokes, which ended in a fight. Afterwards, he and Brody worked it out, although their relationship is still mostly a secret. After the end of senior year the part ways again, as Brody goes off to the Army and Petya returns to Russia.

Pavel (working on a full bio)

Pavel was his childhood friend and eventual boyfriend back in Russia. The two of them were inseperable all through childhood, spending a lot of time in the woods around their town and getting into general mischief. They started dating (in secret) at about 15. Pavel wanted to become a tattoo artist, and used Petya as a willing canvas for his designs. He also taught Petya how to tattoo, and they would work on designs together. He spent a decent amound of time in jail for petty crimes as well, but was a good kid at heart. He and Petya enjoyed morning runs together and ditching school to hang out. He died when he was 17.




More info here! Please check it out

Thinks Serafina is an actual saint for putting up with him, although he probably won't admit it. He complains about her not letting him do dumb shit, but also knows he would almost certainly be in trouble without her.


Sort of sister

Their relationship is almost sibling-like, and they fight a lot about how Petya conducts himself. However, she's also the only one he'll talk to about his past, and similarly he's the only one she allows to help her with running the house.


Misc. Info

  • He often helps her with financial stuff like bills

  • She begrudgingly offers relationship help when he gets in fights with Brody,



More info here! Please check it out

He's different than Pavel was, but maybe that's part of the reason Petya loves him so much. He thinks he's cute and funny and has a real heart of gold, as shown by his ability to put up with all of Petya's shit.



They have a pretty competitive relationship, and aren't very outwardly affectionate. Petya is the first guy Brody ever dated, so their relationship was very intense at the start, but has since mellowed out.


Misc. Info

  • First started dating in October, broke up in early December, then got back together again in early January

  • [link to profile when we finish it]



More info here! Please check it out

The two had an agreement that should one of them die, the other wouldn't let it stop them from living their life. Despite moving onto a new relationship fairly quick, though, he misses Pavel a lot, and it's a rare day he doesn't think about what happened.


Late Boyfriend/Best Friend

They were friends for a long time before they started dating, and pretty much grew up together. Their romance was a secret from everyone, so they missed out on a lot of traditional milestones. They were really close though, and shared pretty much everything. Their shared history made for a ton of inside jokes as well.


Misc. Info

  • IDK if soulmates are a thing in this universe, but if so then they are soulmates



Having fled from his rural hometown in Russia, 18 year old Petya (Peter to folks who can't pronounce his actual name) is trying to build a new life for himself in Faircliff. Struggling with the greif over losing his boyfriend, he fully expects to be spending his last year in high school alone... but it's starting to look like that won't be the case now.



A fictional city somewhere in the Northeast United States. The main city center features the local high school, fast food place Burgerz 2 Go! and of course the Faircliff 15 building, which is where Petya lives. On the outskirts are the suburbs, a beach, and lots of nature. If you've seen Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Faircliff is sort of like Sunnydale in that it has every ammenity possible (airport, nightlife, big shopping mall) but is still a town where most people know each other.

Top 5

A teen boy band similar to One Direction. Serafina's little sister, Stephanie, introduced it to him and he fell in love. He claims to like their music becuase it's simple and fun, but we all know he's just in it for the cute boys.


Ghost AU



The name basically describes it: he can see ghosts. They can talk to him if they want, but for the most part they're just there, doing their own thing. Notables include his parents (died when he was 5), his youngest nephew (drowned when Petya was 15 or so), and of course Pavel, who is the only one who really talks. He mostly keeps this 'power' a secret, with Pavel and Brody (?) being the only ones who know/knew. Occasionally he'll also see the ghosts of random people wandering around, but he can't interact with them unless he knew them personally. It's a rather useless power TBH, because all Pavel does is make inappropriate jokes, and all his parents do is silently judge their son's life choices.


He first found out about this when he was five years old, at his parents' funeral. He saw them floating off towards the edge of the graveyard, and was able to have a little conversation with them before his brother told him to stop talking to thin air. When he mentioned this to his brother he was told to stop messing around, but Pavel believed him. His parents never talked to him much in ghost form, but they were there for important life milestones like birthdays. Ten or so years later, his youngest nephew also died, and became the third ghost, and when Pavel died, he also joined the ranks.


  • He first discovered this power at his parents' funeral when he saw them floating off in the distance
  • He tried to use his power to ease his aunt's worries after his nephew died, but she didn't take it well and lost her shit at him. That was the last time he told somebody about this little power.
  • He can communicate with the ghosts telepathically.



Pavel • Dead Ghost Boyfriend

Pavel is the only ghost that talks to Petya, and he mostly just makes stupid jokes. Sometimes the two have real conversations, which allowed Petya the closure he needed to move on to a new relationship. Pavel sometimes helps him cheat on tests as well while he's in school, just because he can.

More info here! Please check it out

Code by AviCode


  • COLOUR Black
  • FOOD Shashlyk (Russian kebabs)
  • DRINK Vodka
  • MEMORY When Pavel first said 'I love you'
  • GAME Unknown
  • PLACE The woods behind his house in Russia
  • SEASON Autumn
  • HOLIDAY Christmas
  • TIME OF DAY Late night
  • WEATHER Cloudy






Functioning Human  







You don't have to uses these, but if you want outfit inspiration, here it is!

Code by AviCode

