Jason Arkos



4 years, 4 months ago


Name | Jason Arkos
Nickname(s) | -
Age | 22
D.O.B. | September 23 

Gender | Male
Sex. Orientation | Straight, ace
Relationship Status | Single 

Ethnicity | Caucasian
Studying | Majoring in photography, minoring in graphic design

Reincarnation of? | Jason
Fragment | Intuitively knows the cardinal directions 

Fears | Family being disappointed in him, heights, enclosed spaces, fire, snakes
Loves | Sailing, building, farming, the feeling of fuzzy blankets, hiking, photography

General About |
Personality: Jason is hardworking and explorative. He was curious as a child, always finding new paths and nooks and hidden corners wherever he went, and he loved the adventures he and his parents went on. Whenever they'd stop at a new place he would take it upon himself to explore as much as he could. As he got older he found that as much as he still wanted to explore, it was all becoming too overwhelming for him, and he needed to stay in one place for a while. While Jason is resilient in terms of physical connections, he takes it hard when he makes people upset or with heavy emotions. Leaving his parents was hard for him because he feared they were disappointed in him, and it took him a while to feel better and to be convinced that his parents still loved him.  Jason has a deep love for adventure, but he also loves clothes, and the variations in textures and shapes and styles. He loves collecting various types of antique scarves or hats or jackets and will often put on a fashion show just for himself, and sometimes close friends.  He doesn't like small animals that move erratically or quickly, or anything that looks remotely odd or creepy, but has a big love for dogs, and will immediately pet any dog he sees. 

Appearance: Jason has pale skin with a circular face and sharp chin and a pointed nose, and his face and arms have a few freckles. He has messy bed head hair, with a few strands in front of his ears that reach down to his chin. He has teal eyes and is average height, at 5'5. Jason wears mostly casual clothes, most of which often resemble beach clothes, but also owns lots of fancy hats and scarves and pants, and will wear them around if he wants to feel complimented. He owns several pair of headphones he'll often wear as well.

- Plays drums and bass and has several awards for them.
- Works at a Macy's.
- Doesn't have a driver's license.
- Has auditory processing issues, wears a hearing aid and speaks ASL.

Backstory | Jason is an only child, and was born in America, but didn't stay in the country for long. As soon as he was old enough to walk his parents set out to continue their exploration, which they'd done for years before Jason had been born. So for the first 13 years of his life, Jason lived mostly on ships or in temporary homes in different countries.  While it was fun, Jason eventually decided that he needed a more stable life, as he always struggled when switching between countries. 

He told his parents he wanted to stay in one place, but his parents weren't willing to settle down. After some disagreements, they finally decided that Jason could move back to America and live with his aunt and uncle, but his parents would continue traveling and keep in touch. Jason agreed to the compromise and settled into his new life. 

Halfway through high school, his parents contacted him telling him they'd been given an expensive heirloom, a shawl that was embroidered with gold and jewels in a pattern that created a sheep, and that they wanted Jason to have it and sell it for money, so he could go to college. Jason agreed and suddenly had more money than he ever wanted to have.  

After getting the money, he started dating a girl named Meda, and while he fell in love with her the truth eventually came out that she was only dating him for a chance to get some of his money. His heart broken, they broke up and he chose the college he wanted to go to, Elysian University. He doesn't tell anyone about his wealth for fear of them trying to take advantage of it.