Lexi García-Rivera



4 years, 4 months ago


background credit
  • Lexi

  • The reincarnated soul of ancient Greek hero Alexander the Great, Lexi finds herself being the only one with the self-assigned brain cell amongst her band of scraggly, half-put-together heroes (or so she believes.)


  •  name alexandria garcía-rivera

  •  nickname  lexi

  •  age  nineteen 
  •  d.o.b  december 2nd

  •  gender  girl

  •  pronouns  she/her

  •  sexuality lesbian

  •  ethnicity  hispanic

  •  studying  architecture, geometry

  •  reincarnation alexander the great

"I could probably throw you into the sun. You like the sun, right?"


Lexi is a sophomore attending Elysian University, Rhode Island. Everything about that scenario would be normal, if it weren't for the fact that she also fights terrifying monsters in addition to passing her classes. Having been gifted with strange powers since she was fifteen years old, Lexi considers herself a professional monster slayer, and must work together with the other similar heroes attending Elysian University to overcome the influx of monsters attacking the school. Along the way, she makes friends and enemies, falls in love once or twice, and learns to truly work as a team with her fellow peers.



  •  alignment  lawful good

  •  tarot card  the emperor

  •  brain dominance  left
"I'm just blindly following the will of some primordial being!"


Lexi is a very strategic person, and has much of her life planned down to the dot. She doesn't like not knowing how things are going to happen, and doesn't react well to unexpected events. She is passionate about what she believes in and willing to fight for her friends. She does her best to remain patient but can get easily riled up in any competition or argument.
One of Lexi's biggest weaknesses is that she is easily flustered by any seemingly romantic gesture, or even just simple friendly touches or actions. She also has an appreciation for small creatures and loves watching animals go about their lives.
Lexi finds it hard to get emotionally attached to people, because she never was treated very well by her parents and didn't make any friends as a kid, so she's hard to talk to if you're a stranger to her. However if her exterior is broken through she'll become more open and willing to trust.

Positive Traits

  • Studious and cunning.
  • Won't back down from a fight.
  • Willing to defend others with her life.
  • Nicer when you get past her walls.

Negative Traits

  • Not keen on teamwork.
  • Will let logic and facts outweigh emotion or reason.
  • Automatically assumes people will annoy her.
  • Low frustration tolerance.


  • Athletic.
  • Strategic.
  • Battle Intuition.
  • High pain tolerance.


  • Easily flustered.
  • Power becomes less accurate when harmed/in stress.
  • Dangerously stubborn.
Battle Intuition:
In her powered form, Lexi has extremely good  instinct. She can predict what attack her enemy might make, just a few  seconds before the move actually happens. This prediction becomes less  accurate the more stressed or hurt she is. 
  •  Optimist 

  •  Rude 

  •  Peaceful 

  •  Playful 

  •  Creative 

  •  Lethargic 

  •  Follower 

  •  Brave 

  •  Insecure 

  •  Intelligent 

  •  Wise 

  •  Forgetful 

  •  Impulsive 

  •  Neat 

  •  Curious 

  •  Clumsy 

  •  Patient 

  •  Liar 



  • reading classics
  • reptiles
  • architecture
  • jazz music
  • studying (gratuitous note taking)


  • arrows
  • getting sick for long periods of time
  • distractions
  • people who talk too much


  • sketching flora
  • mending clothes for her friends
  • nature walks


  • playing bass
  • weightlifting
  • throwing knives
  • weilding a sarissa spear
  • muay thai
"You'd be the type of person to hook up with death."


  •  hair color  black

  •  eye color  green

  •  skin color  brown

  •  height  5'11

"...Yes, dating Isaac has finally made me American." 


Lexi has brown skin, with her arms, face, shoulders, etc being littered  with freckles. She has long, wavy black hair that reaches her lower  waist. She has green eyes, and stands at a tall height of 5'11, most of  her height coming from her legs. Her normal clothes include lots of jean  jackets and collared shirts, though you can sometimes find her wearing  more comfortable items when she is alone and relaxing. She wears mostly  hooped earrings, and lots of black lipstick and eyeshadow.

When in her powered form, Lexi wears a laurel wreath and golden  geometric triangle earrings. Her outfit consists of a soft green  long-sleeved chiton, adorned with more geometric patterns on the ends.  Over the chiton is a short, soft brown poncho, once again with geometric  patterns. She wears golden sandals, and has golden geometric lines  along her legs and arms and neck on her skin. Her weapons consist of a  shortened version of a Sarissa spear, along with a nearly circular  shield and a Kopis knife that she keeps tucked in her chiton, all three  weapons having a golden color scheme.

maddie gamero: girlfriend

I love spending time with Maddy, even if I never know how to be myself  around her. She's only the second girlfriend I've ever had, I still  don't know exactly what to do. Don't ask us how we got together, it's...  too long of a story.

euria strand: roommate

Probably the best roommate I could have ended up with. We never get in  each other's way and actually work quite well together. Sometimes Euria  doesn't like how I act around her plants, but sometimes I don't like how  she messes with my things either. So it all cancels out, and we're  good.

nico buchanan: fellow grump

Nico and I somehow manage to get along, despite being two of the most  antisocial, people-hating people we know. Somehow our attitudes cancel each  other out, and we both find some sort of middle ground to agree upon and  the result is a nice time when we both hang out together. It's nice, to  have someone who gets you.

Early Life

Lexi grew up in a very strict, quiet household. Her parents were club owners and stockholders, often focusing more in their work than in raising Lexi. She was homeschooled, and while she would occasionally make friends with other children in their neighborhood, it was always difficult for her to do so, due to her parents being so watchful and controlling. She spent more time with tutors and faculty of their parents than with anyone else, and at the insistence of her mother Lexi took many self defense classes and learned a bit of martial arts— specifically Muay Thai.

15 marked an important turn in Lexi's life, for two reasons. Her parents divorced, because it was discovered that her father had been in an affair, and her mother dragged Lexi away to their grandfather's home instead, where they would live for the rest of Lexi's high school years. Lexi finally went to a public high school, however she struggled with abrupt change in school culture and found it difficult to make friends with the students, rather befriending the teachers and learning more trivia in a bunch of subjects in her free time.

Powers Awaken

The other reason was because Lexi found herself inundated with mysterious powers at the age of 15. Almost immediately after she moved to her grandfather's town, monsters began attacking her school, and more specifically, her. She began being able to transform in order to defeat them, but the monsters would keep on coming, and she had to routinely fight them alone in order to get some peace and quiet. The reputation this gave her didn't help her make friends.

However, the mysterious powers seemed to provide a benefit when it came time for Lexi to choose a college to attend. She was offered a full-ride scholarship to Elysian University under the condition that she protect them from monster attacks. It was difficult to get her parents to allow her to choose that school, instead of the many prestigious big-name schools they'd imagined her going to. Finally, they relented, telling her she could go to EU— as long as she majored in business management.

When Lexi got to college, she was enrolled in business classes for her first year, but soon found them to be boring and too reminiscent of her entire life, and promptly quit them and started studying architecture and music instead. She has yet to tell her parents, knowing that nothing good will come of the confession.
