Zachary Demers



4 years, 4 months ago


Name | Zachary Harley Delaney
Nickname(s) | Zach
Age | 23
D.O.B. | May 19 

Gender | Male
Sex. Orientation | Asexual, pan  
Relationship Status |  Engaged (Penelope Ybarra)  

Ethnicity | Mixed
Studying | Majoring in speech communication and rhetoric, minoring in behavioral science

Reincarnation of? | Odysseus
Fragment | No sense of direction; Easily gets lost

Fears | Betrayal, pigs, drowning, riptides, eels, eye horror
Loves | Staying active, soccer, sailing, fishing, jazz .

General About |
Personality: Zachary is a hardworking softie. While during his high school years he didn't put much effort into anything, he made a promise to himself to step up his work ethic in college, which he has so far succeeded in doing. He finds that keeping himself busy is very rewarding, and keeps his mind away from his past mistakes and regrets, which otherwise will often plague him. Zach had seperation anxiety as a child, and often didn't want to be without his mother, and while he's overcome the anxiety with age, he sometimes still gets nervous if he's away from his fiancée or his friends for too long. He is very protective over Penelope, and can sometimes get jealous for no reason, though he tries his best not to be, because he trusts Penelope. Zach is very clever, often being the one his friends will go to if they need to solve a tricky problem. He has a way with his words, being able to convince people of arguments with rhetorical and linguistic skills, which is why he is the star member on his debate team in college. He also has been playing tenor saxophone since high school, and while he's slightly more out of practice now than he used to be, he's recently started studying the instrument again.  

Appearance: Zach stands at a tall height of 5'7, with a boxy yet sturdy build. He has hands that are bigger and rougher than others and a rough but well-kept beard. He has brown hair that tends to poof up no matter what he does and bright blue eyes. He always has a special decorated watch on one of his wrists. Most of his wardrobe consists of turtleneck sweaters or hoodies, with jeans or baggy shorts to go with them. 

- Has two turtles named Skull and Cherry.  
- Is the star member of Elysian's debate team.
- Is a goalie on the Elysian soccer team.
- Works at the docks near his apartment.  
- Plays a tenor saxophone.
- Jewish.

Backstory | Zachary was born to an overprotective mother and nonexistent father. His father was a kleptomaniac and a criminal and Zach has never met him. His mother, however, was the exact opposite. She was always doting over him, giving him lots of love and attention and keeping him close. However due to her overprotective nature, Zach developed a bit of separation anxiety with her and his house, and throughout most of his childhood he struggled with being away from her for long periods of time. 

During his sophomore year he finally found a new set of friends, one of which included Cecily, who he is still best friends with to this day. Also during his sophomore year he was sexually harassed by a girl in his astronomy class, and it became so bad that he had to switch out of the class. The incident is the reason he doesn't like astronomy anymore. 

When he was a senior he studied abroad in Australia, but after a few weeks he found he disliked being so far from home, a glimpse of his separation anxiety that never truly went away. However he was stuck there for a whole semester, required to complete the course, and when he finally got home he vowed to never go back again. Zach did graduate from high school, although he had barely scraped by, because while he was good with math and language, he struggled with sciences and electives. He decided to join the Marines, seeing as it would be an easy career choice, rather than being in a job he didn't like. After nearly two months, though, he found how much he struggled with an army life, and left after one year of service. During the summer he got accepted to Elysian University, and now goes to college there, living in an apartment nearby with his fiancée Penelope.