
4 years, 4 months ago



"Though I dream in vain/In my heart it will remain..."
Name [Lexi KayCee]
Name Pronunciation [Lehx-ee]
Species [Red fox]
Age [30]
Gender [Female]
Pronouns [She/her/hers]
Orientation [Straight]
Occupation [Social worker]
Residence [Upstate New York]
Status [Engaged]
Design Notes
  • Glasses frames have a tortoiseshell pattern with copper rims on the top and no rims on the bottom of the lenses
  • Markings are auburn
  • Hair is auburn and wavy if drawn in anthro
  • Eyes are light blue
  • Paw pads and claws are black

Lexi is hard-working, gentle, and quirky. She has a bit of an anxious streak, and often worries that she is not doing enough to help the people around her. However, despite her worrying, she performs well in her work and bonds easily with others. As of late, Lexi has finally begun to see this truth, and is beginning to relax a bit. Theme Song: Artie Shaw--Stardust (Live 1940 Version):


Lexi grew up learning to look after others, in large part due to the antics of her sister Ixel, who required (or demanded) a great deal of attention. Lexi was often praised for being "the good girl" of the two, a label about which she still has mixed feelings. She and Ixel came to a more peaceful understanding of one another once they went to college, where Lexi majored in psychology and learned to more productively channel her impulse to help others. Lexi now works as a social worker in upstate New York and is settling in there well with her group of loved ones.


Ixel is Lexi's twin sister, and is the more dramatic member of the duo. Lexi worried about Ixel a great deal when they were children, and did her best to protect her, which often irritated Ixel. Time and maturity have led the two to develop a more balanced relationship, however, and the sisters now consider each other their biggest supports. Ixel does what she can to help Lexi to "lighten up," and Lexi has found that she is having much more fun as a result!


Stardust was Lexi's roommate in college, and the two have remained best friends ever since. Like Lexi, Stardust is in the mental health field--for her, it is a second career. Stardust has weathered many crises in life, but has retained her kind disposition, patience, and grit. She and Lexi have a great deal of mutual respect for each other stemming from their shared work ethics and positive character traits.


Elle is Ixel's best friend, but has become close with Lexi over time as well. Lexi admires Elle's worldliness, bravery, and savoir faire. Elle, although a heiress and arguably spoiled in her early days, has a big heart, and greatly appreciates Lexi's gentle nature. Lexi now does her best to keep Elle from getting into trouble, and Elle encourages Lexi to loosen up.


Blu is Lexi's fiance and dearly beloved companion--the two originally met online, but are now united in the "real world" as well. He is thoughtful, intelligent, artistically talented, and protective of Lexi. Lexi adores her man and does everything she can to spoil him rotten, to his delight. Through thick and thin, the pair are one another's loyal supports.


Zap is Blu's cousin, who traveled from the jungle to New York in order to live near Blu, and Blu thus introduced him and Lexi. Lexi found Zap's mischievous and rebellious, yet kind-hearted nature, to be a breath of fresh air. She was even more thrilled when Zap became romantically involved with her sister Ixel! Zap considers Lexi to be a calming and stabilizing influence in his life, and appreciates her efforts in helping to rein in Ixel!


Claira is Zap's best friend, who he brought with him to New York, and so he introduced her to Lexi. Lexi felt a connection to Claira right away--she saw Claira as a kind, gentle soul in need of a bit of self-confidence. Claira, in turn, was impressed by Lexi's patience and wisdom, and bonded with her quickly. Lexi is currently working to encourage Claira to see in herself the positive qualities that she sees in Claira--so far, with success!


Malaki and Lexi met when Lexi visited the natural history museum where Malaki works as a tour guide, and the two became close when Malaki eventually became Lexi's friend Elle's boyfriend. Lexi enjoys Malaki's company a great deal--he is jolly, refined, and generous, all traits that Lexi finds agreeable. Malaki also considers Lexi to be a dear friend--he enjoys her intellectually curious spirit and appreciates her gentle nature. Nowadays, the two can spend hours discussing trivia across a wide variety of topics, from taxidermy to psychology.


Anatoly sought help from Lexi's brother-in-law Zap after escaping from a Russian military lab, eventually coming to New York to join Zap, Lexi, and their friends. Lexi admired brave, idealistic Anatoly from the start, though she found him to be daunting at first. She need not have feared, however--Anatoly soon showed his silly side, thus fully winning Lexi over. Anatoly is now quite protective of Lexi, which she greatly appreciates.


Peter and Lexi were introduced by Lexi's friend Elle, since Peter and Elle work at the same art museum. She instantly formed a connection with Peter, appreciating his gentle and patient nature. Peter also saw much to like in Lexi, viewing her as resilient, accomplished, and wise. The pair currently enjoy trading knowledge about their respective fields with one another, as well as helping each other to face their worries.