


1 year, 2 months ago



"Plug it in, change the world..."
Name [Anatoly Chekov]
Name Pronunciation [Ahn-ah-toe-lee]
Species [Electric ray]
Age [42]
Gender [Male]
Pronouns [He/him/his]
Orientation [Demisexual]
Occupation [Peace activist]
Residence [Upstate New York]
Status [In a relationship]
Design Notes
  • Main skin color is deep blue
  • Underside of body is gold
  • Eyes are gold
  • Covered in random white spots
  • Two fins on tail

Anatoly is courageous, bold, and a go-getter. However, he is not violent, preferring to manage conflict via thoughtful discussion. He enjoys protecting and teaching others, helping them to grow. Anatoly makes for a fierce enemy if necessary, but most know him as a dear friend. Theme song: MGMT--Electric Feel:


Anatoly was created in a Russian army lab to serve as a weapon of war, and for many years, he did so. However, he eventually developed moral compunctions, becoming a pacifist. This displeased his superiors, who imprisoned him when he refused to fight for them. Fortunately, with the help of a new friend, Anatoly was able to escape imprisonment, and now leads an idyllic life in upstate New York.


Ixel is Anatoly's friend Zap's girlfriend, and Zap thus introduced the two. Anatoly was struck by Ixel's verve and outgoing nature, and endeavored to get to know her better. Ixel also appreciated Anatoly's bravery and grit, viewing him as a "go-getter." The pair now encourage one another to follow their dreams and to persevere ever further.


Stardust is another of Zap's friends, and Zap led her to make the acquaintance of Anatoly. He was impressed by Stardust's story of resilience, and especially heartened by her ability to remain kind and strong in the face of hardship. Stardust saw something of herself in Anatoly, viewing him as a role model. Anatoly and Stardust now remind one another of their strengths, and inspire one another to aspire yet higher.


Lexi is Anatoly's friend Zap's sister-in-law, leading Zap to introduce her to Anatoly. Anatoly views Lexi as a kind soul, and one in need of protection due to her gentle nature. Lexi is grateful for Anatoly's care, and views him as a brave paragon of virtue. She feels more able to explore and grow under Anatoly's watchful eye, and Anatoly is pleased by this turn of events.


Elle is another friend of Zap's, and Zap thus connected Anatoly to her. Anatoly was initially taken aback by Elle's love of luxury, and wondered whether she might be shallow. Over time, however, he came to see that she had a kind and generous heart, and so the two became friends. Elle adores Anatoly, who she views as heroic, and is always happy to spend time with him.


Blu is Anatoly's friend Zap's cousin--Zap therefore connected Anatoly to him. He saw much to admire in Blu right away--like Anatoly, Blu is widely traveled, thoughtful, and peaceful. Blu, too, was impressed by Anatoly's many talents and virtues. The pair nowadays enjoy trading their life stories with one another, as well as coming up with new plans together.


Zap is a renowned genetic scientist, and when Anatoly first heard of his skills, he knew that Zap would be a valuable contact. After breaking free of the lab in which he was imprisoned, Anatoly thus contacted Zap, who eventually invited him to live in safety with him and his friends in New York. Anatoly was grateful for the opportunity, and was even more happy to find that Zap was friendly, full of zest, and optimistic. Zap is very glad that Anatoly has come to join him and his friends--he considers Anatoly to be a great asset to the group.


Claira is Zap's best friend, and so Anatoly came to know her upon meeting with Zap. He right away saw much to like in Claira, who is shy and gentle, but also resilient. Claira was similiarly impressed by Anatoly's story, considering him to be an inspiration. Anatoly has now taken Claira under his wing, and encourages her to see the strength in herself that he sees in her.


Malaki is also a friend of Zap's, so Anatoly got to know him after meeting up with Zap. Anatoly was uncertain about Malaki's bold and jolly personality at first--he feared he was not genuine. Eventually, though, Malaki's true-blue good nature brought Anatoly to his side. Malaki now values Anatoly's friendship, and especially enjoys learning about history from him.


Peter is a coworker of Anatoly's friend Elle, and she thus brought the two of them together. Anatoly was smitten by Peter right away--he fell in love with Peter's kindhearted and whimsical nature. Peter had similar feelings for Anatoly, becoming enamored of his bravery and pacifism. The pair are now a romantic couple, and each makes the other unimaginably happy.