Ruka Blakely



4 years, 3 months ago


Basic Info
Name Ruka Blakely
Nickname Ruka
Age 22
Birthday September 16th
Height 5'5"
Gender Female
Species Human
Powers Electricity Manipulation
Origin Cleodora (Magnus)
Blood Type O+
Orientation Pansexual
Occupation Student
Status Alive
Worth N/A
  • Sweets
  • Knitting
  • Going for walks
  • Quiet nights
  • Lots of questions
  • Writing instead of signing
  • Crowded places
  • TBA.
  • TBA.
  • TBA.
  • TBA.
Shy . Quiet . Caring . Sweet

Ruka is an extremely shy person who strongly dislikes interacting with strangers unless she has someone close to her nearby. The biggest reason for this is because she's mute and interacting with strangers can get difficult and feel embarrassing. However she also dislikes this part of herself since she doesn't want to make others feel like they have to watch over her all the time. Even so, though she tries her best to tough it out, she's developed a very timid personality because of it. Around other people who can sign, or that seem patient with her, Ruka is much more comfortable.

Ruka is also exceedingly kind though and she has a tough time being harsh towards anyone. If someone stopped her on the streets she's the type of person who would find it difficult to ignore them and walk away. She doesn't dislike interacting with all people and loves her friends, she just finds strangers a bit intimidating. Overtime though, through some hardships, Ruka manages to develop more courage and confidence. Though this does take awhile.


Ruka was born in Cleodora city with a fairly normal family for the first few years of her life. Her younger brother was born around the time she reached four years old but, at the age of five, Ruka and her parents were involved in an awful car accident. The accident killed both of her parents and left Ruka mute because of an injury she sustained, though she miraculously survived. Nico, at the time, was under the care of their grandparents who would later be the ones to take in and raise the two. Although it was a traumatic event Ruka hardly remembers it because she was so young. Unfortunately this also means she hardly remembers her parents, only being able to recall small details, but she does remember the struggle to learn sign language after the incident.

All the way through school until about her freshmen year of high school Ruka was a bit of a loner. She received some bullying because of her inability to speak which only made her shy and timid personality worse. Making friends wasn't easy, after all she couldn't just go up to a random person and start a conversation, and most days she only had her grandparents and brother to go to for company. When she reached high school though, and moved to a new high school in the city, she was eventually approached by Ethan who noticed how often she was on her own. Naturally Ruka tried to avoid him but, being a bit of a sly person, he was able to catch her before she could. Although she recalls it being scary at the time she's grateful for it now because it was the start of two new friendships that she began to cherish. She would be introduced to Chase as well and her two new friends would start to study sign language for her own sake; something she's still grateful for.

When Cleodora is attacked both Ruka and Nico are out of the house running errands. The two of them immediately try to make it home once the attacks start and only manage to get away for so long because they run into Ethan who reveals to them the strange water manipulation powers he'd kept hidden until then. While making their escape (after discovering their house has been destroyed beyond repair) both Ruka and Nico discover their own unexplained powers. Nico develops powers of shadow manipulation while Ruka develops electricity manipulation powers. The two eventually decide to go along with Ethan who wishes to find their missing friend Chase, but also discover the reason for such senseless attacks.

Nico Blakely | Younger Brother

Nico is Ruka's younger brother and the two are very close. Because both of them tend to shy away from interacting with strangers they both have very few friendships and share many of the ones they do.

Ethan Clark | Friend

One of Ruka's first friends it was Ethan who reached out to her to become friends. They two of them like to cook and bake together (Ruka adoring Ethan's sweets) and he was the one that suggested he and Chase learn sign language to make her more comfortable.

Chase Jewel | Friend

Another of Ruka's friends the two of them both suffer from low confidence and self esteem issues. Because of this the two often confided in each other and grew closer as a result. Ruka always saw him as a bit more reliable, though.