Ithric/Cleobulus (:: Activities [ ✿ ])




Item Guide


Gift NameType of GiftGrade
How to AcquireDescription
The History of FodlanFavorite★★
Buy from Dark Merchant (500 gold)
A book detailing the history of Fódlan. Appreciated by those who enjoy studying history.
Exotic Spices
Buy from Merchant (1,000 gold)
Spices from a land to the east of Almyra. Appreciated by those who enjoy traveling or cooking.
Arithmetic Textbook
Buy from Dark Merchant (500 gold)
A textbook for studying arithmetic with everyday examples of its use. Appreciated by those who enjoy studying.
Ancient Coin
Buy from Dark Merchant (500 gold)
A coin said to have been used as currency in ancient times. Appreciated by those who enjoy traveling, art, or coins.
Goddess Statuette
Buy from Merchant (500 gold)
A beautiful wood carving of the goddess. Appreciated by those who like art or carving, and by devout believers.

Lost Items

Lost ItemDescriptionAvailability
Cat TreatsDelicately packaged slices of meat that are cut thin. It probably belongs to someone who feeds the stray cats milling about the monastery.8/10 beyond (Pre-Timeskip)
Time-Keeping Contraption
A small pocket-sized circular clock that can accurately predict the time. It probably belongs to someone interested in scientific advancement.10/5 beyond (Pre-Timeskip)
Well-Kept Journal
A leather-bound notebook with not a single crease amongst its pages. Scrawled inside are notes about foreign lands. Probably belongs to someone afflicted with strong wanderlust.12/7 beyond (Pre-Timeskip)

Dining Hall Guide

Enjoyed Dishes

Name of MenuMenu DescriptionMaterials Required
Gautier Cheese GratinA gratin of bird meat topped with heaps of Gautier cheese, which is famous for its low fat content. It has a unique flavor.
  • Poultry x1
  • Noa Fruit x1
Sweet Bun TrioTraditional pastries from Faerghus, known for their subtle sweetness. The dough is made with eggs and sugar.
  • Albinean Berries x1
  • Noa Fruit x1
Gronder Meat SkewersFatty hunks of Gronder fox cooked slowly on skewers. The meat is magically aged for a full flavor.
  • Wild Game x1
  • Onion x1
Derdriu-Style Fried PheasantPheasant meat is pounded flat and fried. Can be served as a sort of sandwich, with cheese between two strips of meat.
  • Poultry x1
  • Carrot x1
Cheesy Verona StewA rich dish consisting of verona and sautéed Teutates loach. These ingredients are boiled and served with two kinds of melted cheese.
  • Teutates Loach x1
  • Verona x1

Tea Party Guide

Recommended Tea

Name of TeaRating
Rose Petal Blend★★★★

Conversation Topics

Possible Topic
"Plans for the future...""Cats...""Books you've read recently..."
"The view from the bridge...""Cooking mishaps...""School days..."
"A word of advice...""Overcoming weaknesses...""Potential training partners..."
"Things that bother you...""The last battle...""The library's collection..."
"Evaluating allies...""Guessing someone's age...""The existence of crests..."
"Strange fish in the pond...""A place you'd like to visit...""You're doing great work..."
"Exploring the monastery...""Secrets of Fodlan...""Working together..."
"Monastery rules...""Someone you look up to...""Classes you might enjoy..."
"You seem different...""Monastery security...""First crushes..."

Final Conversation

Possible Final Conversation
"Do you ever just want to pack up all your belongings and leave behind your old life for a new one?"
Answer: Nod

"Sometimes silence is more comfortable than filling it with needless conversation."
Answer: DisagreeAnswer: Chat
"Would you mind if I gave you some book recommendations? Fair warning, they're definitely not on the church's approved readings list."
Answer: CommendAnswer: LaughAnswer: Disagree
"I apologize if I'm not that interesting of a conversation partner."
Answer: DisagreeAnswer: Chat
"Your methods are very unique to you. Thank you for instructing our class."
Answer: BlushAnswer: DisagreeAnswer: Praise
"You must have a lot of free time to be pulling me aside for tea and biscuits."
Answer: Laugh
"I hope that one day Fodlan decides to embrace science and research rather than cling to space deities and tradition."
Answer: ChatAnswer: Nod
"I've always had an interest in Crests, but the glint in Professor Hanneman's eyes when he speaks of them makes me afraid I'll wind up like him."
Answer: LaughAnswer: Sip tea
"I'm... sorry for having kept the truth from you for so long. I'll spend the rest of my life trying to make up for it." (Post-Timeskip only)
Answer: Disagree
"Perhaps this is insensitive, but I'm almost glad this war happened. I've never felt so free, so liberated before. Fodlan will never be the same after this, and that's a good thing." (Post-Timeskip only)
Answer: NodAnswer: Sip teaAnswer: Chat


  • Ithric gets embarrassed when he is handed the "Cat Treats" lost item and denies that they are his (but takes them from Byleth nonetheless, saying he'll "find the person who dropped them").
  • It should be noted that a majority of his favorite meals involve cheese, perhaps due to his extended stay at the Margraviate of Gautier, where he was served Gautier cheese frequently.

Profile by Erandia
Edited by Ziodyne