


4 years, 1 month ago


Basic info

Full name: Anto Svindal
Birthday: 28.08.1891
Age range: 6-9 in the main story
Family: Fredmund, Matilda - parents; Tito, Falke, Jakob, Roxanne - siblings
Height: 135 cm at the beginning; 176 as adult
Nationality: Norwegian
Status by the end of the main story: alive

Short description

Third child of Fred and Tilda, younger brother of Tito and Falke. Currently he's 6-7 and always sticks with his two brothers. In the main part of the story they're only supporting characters, but they become more important in the future. Mischievous, careless and cheerful, enjoys being in the spotlight, quite silly and funny, wants to be like his oldest brother and doesn't think about any serious things. Quite loud, though he doesn't talk much in front of adults. Sometimes a spoiled brat, sometimes a sweetheart, it really depends.


Anto is the most carefree and optimistic among his siblings, always likes to getting attention from parents and wishes to be just like Tito, which doesn't always end up good for him. He's very close with both older brothers, but sometimes he uses them and wants them to do the things he has to do. Rarely thinks about consequences of his actions, but can be compassionate. Doesn't mind getting in troubles if his brothers also get in it with him. Outgoing and friendly, can be very nice and sweet, but sometimes unconcerned and lazy. Has a music talent inherited from his mother and is very sporty. In the future he becomes a member of a local music band. Older Anto is even more careless person and has some problems because of it, he quickly gets in a bad company and becomes addicted to addictive stuff. He's also no longer so close to his brothers, but after many many years they will have better relations again. [The future is still a WIP]


+ playing with his brothers
+ imitate his oldest brother in every way
+ hooking people
+ making new friends
+ getting attention
+ music
+ halcylians
+ getting own duties done by others
+ trying forbidden things

- responsibilities
- too much rush
- elegant clothes
- people's expectations about him
- meetings with Alva
- school
- night time
- serious people


Fred - his father; he claims that he tries to mitigate their children's horrible attitude, but in the fact he does nothing to stop them for being so cheeky and rude and is too indulgent to punish them. He treats Falke and Anto in similar ways and really cares about them (though he still lets them do many forbidden things and even approves this); sometimes they can notice he favors Tito a bit, but aren't really envy (at least when they're still children).

Tilda - his mother; she's that less tolerant parent who yells more and plans the punishments, but actually she loves her family a lot. Tilda seems to favor Anto and is rather indulgent towards him (at least when he's still the youngest one!)

Tito - his oldest brother; he really admires him and always wants to join him. Anto sees him as the leader, though sometimes he teases him and they have some innocent fights. Tito always cares about him but also wants him to be more independent, so he avoids helping him everytime. He has huge impact on his younger brothers. Anto seems to be more like him than Falke who is a bit calmer and nicer. The older they become, the more visible it is that Anto also has a completely different view of life.

Falke - his older brother; he's always with him and Tito and is deeply connected with them. Anto and Falke are almost unseparable as children, despite they also tend to argue quite often (though they apologize each other immediately).  In the future it changes, as the three brothers' ways split for many years. Anto has also different personality from Falke and the older they become, the harder for them is getting along. In the furthest future they probably will be friends again.

Jakob - his youngest brother who dies very early; he and his brothers feel guilty for his death (especially Tito who never stops blaming hisself).
When he is born, Anto is the most excited because he finally won't be the youngest one, unfortunately he still doesn't know what does it mean in his mother's eyes :') 

Roxanne - his younger sister; he and his brothers care about her everytime, even though sometimes they find her annoying.

Bart - his grandfather; he usually acts harsh and mean, but hopes the best for his grandchildren and encourage them to be as brave and rebellious as he used to be.

Adrianna - as child he doesn't have particular bond with her, he just keeps tease her like his brothers and never gets so close to her like Tito. Anto dislikes her for some time because he blames her for putting his brother in huge troubles, but in their teen years they have good relations.

Alva - they're the same age, but act quite aggresively towards each other. Anto is afraid of her and hates the idea of meeting her better given by his parents.

Florian, Zacharias - two closest friends of that trio; the first of them is Ellend's son, the second one is a child of halcylian couple (so he's halcylian too), what brings some problems when the halcylians from Braivada start a rebellion.  

Other info

- When he's a bit older he owns a ferret.
- In school he's worse than Falke but better than Tito. He's a first grader now but already has done some mess.
- He's gonna be an aspiring heartbreaker, but it'll be hard for him to focus on one relationship and treat is seriously.
- His eyes are so often covered by his bangs that some people don't even know what is their color; actually is dark blue