Ronald Moors



4 years, 1 month ago


Ronald Gary Moors, AKA Ronny Mcdonny.

Born: 1941

Age: 17 (1958)

Height: 5'4

Orientation: Heterosexual

Star Sign: ??????

Dubbed after the fast-food chain, Ronny was a domestic violence case that Luke had to keep in the tenement building against his will for a week before he realized how fucked up his mother actually was. He had showed up on their doorstep, age 15, with his eye smashed and the side of his face a fuckin' wreck.  Wooley patched him up and when they figured out who had done it, they refused to let him go home, despite him asking to. He'd known the Colubrids for a while, and had been hiding the abuse from them until this event.

Now he and Piper take it upon themselves to try and help other abuse cases, he keeps news paper clippings of each kid he failed to help who died, was sold, or had brain damage as a result of being abused and going back to their abuser after a week of keeping them in the tenement building. Some kids changed their minds after the week and were welcomed into the GC with open arms, but most others ended up in a news article.

He's caring, calm, and very sympathetic, Ronny is another great shoulder to cry on in the GC's home. If you need to talk, he's almost always awake, day or night.