Pete Maddison



4 years, 1 month ago


Pete Marlin Maddison, AKA, Patchwork

Born: 1950

Age: 8 (1958)

Height: 4'10

Orientation: He's too young to fuckin' care

Star Sign: ??????

Older brother to Andy, he and his brother were born in the aftermath of WWII, his parents wanting a new start caught a ship over to the states.
Unfortunately they passed away during the voyage.
In order to cover their passage, Pete made a deal with a German scientist, if he allowed the man to do a live dissection of himself he'd cover their costs, and he wouldn't lay a hand on Andy.
The man's name was Fred Geiger, and one night a group of criminals broke into his house and found the kids in the basement, Andy and Pete included.
The only kids who were lucid and healthy enough to leave that basement alive were Pete and Andy, the rest had to be... put down.

The criminals brought Pete and Andy to Roger, who brought them to Luke and the GC. Since then, Pete has been making quilts for the GC, and ohhh are they warm. At first, he was made fun of, but after winter hit no one mocked him again.

He looks after Andy fervently, bringing him damn near anything he wants, just trying to keep him happy and healthy.