


7 years, 5 months ago



Ornery || Solitary || Nerdy || High-Strung || Manic

(◡‿◡✿) -- (ʘ‿ʘ✿) -- (ʘ‿ʘ)ノ✿

NameToni GerettaGenderFemale
  • Animal Crossing
  • Sleeping on a rainy day
  • Wind and clouds
  • Misses being able to fly
  • Other people's bullshit
  • Roslyn
  • Dirt



HeightVaries, but was 5'3" pre-awakeningWeightVaries, but 400+ pounds. WAY heavier when "sleeping"
ColorationGreen and pink.BuildQuite chubby
Other Features
  • Petal-like hair, including eyebrows, eyelashes, and armpit hair
  • Her flower can change size, including becoming big enough to fully envelope her.
  • Big, leafy wings
  • Her non-wing forearms are disproportionately large
  • Only four fingers on each of her four hands.
  • Her shirt's neck hole goes down very far in the back to make room for her wings
PersonalityToni has a very excitable personality with extreme mood-swings. She doesn't really like other people, getting upset easily. She considers the fact that she easily gets upset to be a sign of strength in herself, that she "doesn't put up with other people's bullshit" but certainly sometimes she can overreact.
Magic User StatusAdept
Powers/SkillsHer powers mutated her physical form, giving her plantlike physiology, and the ability to grow vines, flowers, and other plant material. Her adept "spell" that she can't control is the plantlike physiology, which is the source of her powers, meaning unlike most Adepts she can actually control them.



Toni was a perfectly ordinary Gargoyle for most of her life. She wasn't a magic user, even an unawakened one. It all changed when she started dating Roslyn Liess, Ed's sister. Their relationship started wild and passionate. Roslyn was a real night owl, which paired well with Toni's natural nocturnal cycle. It was only when the wild passion and constant excitement started to die down, they moved in together, and the two started to try and connect with each other more emotionally, when things started to go sour. Roslyn was selfish and manipulative, and started to wear down on Toni's self-esteem. Toni, who was a loud and outspoken person, believed herself to be "strong" enough to put up with Roslyn's abusive behaviour, and hoped that Roslyn would start to change over time. Then, she started to blame her own hot-headed and anxious personality for the way Roslyn was and eventually became more subdued.

When Toni reached this breaking point, is when she awoke as a magic user. In her case, her transformation into a magic user was slow and gradual. She awoke as an adept, with the power of a plantlike form, but while her spell was constantly on, it took effect slowly, over a period of many months. She started to turn green, become thirsty, and eventually she started growing roots out of her feet. Roslyn became even more abusive towards her, and her stress really piled up, and she blamed her transformation for Roslyn's increased abusiveness. Figuring out that her transformation was due to her awakening, she figured out how to suppress it. Roslyn was an Enchanter who crafted jewelry with a variety of purposes, so she secretly took an anti-magic charm from her. It worked; her transformation was halted, it would not reverse but it would not continue either.

Toni tried to be very careful around Roslyn, being as nice as possible to her, and Roslyn seemed nicer in kind to her for a time, but without realizing it, Toni started to be exploited by Roslyn once more. Eventually, Toni finally started to realize Roslyn wasn't going to change, and wasn't going to blame herself anymore, so she broke things off. But, during the resulting fight, Roslyn discovered Toni had stolen her anti-magic charm. As Roslyn was a physical powerhouse thanks to being a high-level magic user, while Toni had only recently awoke (plus her antimagic charm left her no more physically powerful than a non-magic user), she easily overpowered her and took it back. Now she had no place to live, her relationship over, and her transformation was starting to complete as her legs withered away completely into roots, her hot-headed and anxious personality returned and she fell into quite the despair!

She became a bit of a hermit, living in a local children's park during the day (fortunately gargoyles are well equipped for homelessness!), until eventually Ed, Roslyn's brother, would discover her and recognize her. Meeting with her that night when she woke up, Ed helped Roslyn get together with Amvira's crew, since they would help her adapt to her new physiology and figure out the extent of her powers. It certainly helped her get her self-esteem back!



Toni and Ed aren't close but Toni knows Ed is a good person and trusts him. Ed doesn't like Roslyn either so he really sympathizes with what Toni went through and wished he had the guts to have helped her out sooner. 

yadda yadda bah blah blah


In-Game Fighting Style

  • Gargoyles are born, not created. The practice of creating sculptures of gargoyles came only after "real" gargoyles started pretending to be statues on the roofs of churches.
  • Gargoyles are actually holy creatures, and require holy energy to live. That's why they congregate on churches and other sacred places. In exchange, it's tradition for them to protect it.
  • Gargoyles sleep by turning to stone, the holy energies of the sun revitalizing their bodies. Technically they can stay awake during the day, but they get sleep deprivation. They can also sleep at night but they don't get as much rest that way.
  • For Toni, turning to stone during the day is doubly important since it helps her photosynthesize. She can photosynthesize even if she's awake, but it's less effective, and if she spends a day awake and indoors it can REALLY effect he mood.
  • She's a huge casual video game fan, mostly playing on handheld consoles like the 3DS. Favorite game franchise is Animal Crossing. She also likes Undertale.
  • She can use all four of her hands effectively
  • She could separate from her flower and fly away, but this is a last-resort option because it would leave her very injured and would take a long time to recover.
  • She eventually learns to turn just her wings to stone, to block attacks. This is a thing all gargoyles can do, with lots of mental training.
  • She misses her tail almost as much as she misses her legs!
  • Likes hugs, but only with the right people
  • Cried during the pacifist run of Undertale, and couldn't bring herself to complete the Genocide run.
  • (She could easily beat Sans though, her magic gives her the precision and reflexes needed to probably beat him on her first try)
  • "I'm sorry but objectively speaking, Alphys is the hottest character in Undertale"

Toni is an immobile bruiser with loads of health and magic resist, plus short-ranged AoE attacks, debuffs, and powerful zone control. Instead of traditional movement, Toni can teleport to any space near an ally on a cooldown of a few turns. Teleportation is a full action for her, though! She's really powerful against hordes of weak units, or slow moving spellcasters that she can lock down and disable. Be careful, though, her high magic resistance can't always counteract her weakness to fire, ice, and poison damage. She DOES have super high Holy resist though making her basically unkillable against holy casters.

