Basic Info






April 3rd


5' 8"

Hair Color


Eye Color


Tail Color



Noble Steed

Sexual Preference





Carmel Apples, Winning a Duel with his Paladin, A feeling of Brotherhood


Unwanted Horse changing, Broken Armor, Being Bored


   Karter was once a simple person born in the kingdom metaphorically stuck in time, Nova Pharos. Growing up in the kingdom, he ended up idolizing the knights that protected the land from invaders and all who would try to destroy them. He ended up practicing with his friends with wooden swords for years, getting better and better through out his younger life. While he did know about magic, he never really bothered understanding how magic works since he wanted to focus so much on his swordplay and other knight-related attributes.

   At the age of 14, the age they allow one to become a knight, he was able to pass the swordplay test with almost flying colors, though his knowledge could have been better. As such, he was labeled more as a scouting knight, which did bum him out. It was even months before he was given a scouting mission deep in the dense forest around the kingdom, something about outside aggressors trying to cross into the border. While scouting with two other officers, he ended up splitting from them, only to get hit by a soul he did not see. Rather than passing through him and feel a cough in his chest, the soul ended up sticking and attaching to his body. Turning him into what is known as a Paladin user. 

   When he got back to the officers, he was clearly not looking well and was taken to a medic, then later an alchemist. He learned what he had and how he could try to control it. However, early on the soul refused to cooperate and more often than not turned him into a horse which shredded his armor many times. It took him quite a while to understand and work with the Paladin that was now stuck with him, with a need to become more knowledgeable out of necessity. 

   Currently, at age 18, Karter has become a more confident knight, one that isn't restricted to just scouting missions. He now also has the knowledge to access his Paladin to grant him increased strength and speed when he needs it. Plus because of the rarity of Paladins in the Modern era, Karter became a valuable person for both the army and the kingdom itself. However, there are times where his Paladin does turn him into a horse at rather unwanted times, at least his armor now is made in a way to shift with the changing. Either way, his dream becoming a knight has been achieved, and he is arguably one of the more important knights of them all.

Paladin: Noble Steed

   From a soul of a horse unable to move on, Noble Steed is considered a more basic Paladin. Unable to appear in a spiritual form but makes it's presence known through a magical blue glow around him when in use. Noble Steed grants the user Increased Strength and Speed when called upon. However, whether on command or not, the Paladin has the habit of changing the user into a horse.  The duration though varies greatly, especially if the user experience horse-like instincts.