
Gender: Female

Age: 24

Birthday: August 26th

Height: 7' 3"

Hair color: Brown

Eye color: Blue

Fur Color: Light Brown

Sexual Preference: Straight

Job: Researcher/Archaeologist

Loves: Exploration, Finding new treasures, exotic foreign foods

Hates: Being treated as a joke, Hard to fit entrances, 

    Naomi grew up in rural america, down closer to the south. She grew up on adventure movies, and couldn't help but explore the nearby wilderness, pretending she's an explorer as she gallops through the area. Her first discovery was when she was young was an abandoned native american area, with pottery dug into the ground. Rather than digging it up and keeping it for herself, she went to a nearby Native Americans and helped them preserve what she found. That sparked her interest in Archaeology, growing up to become super dedicated to wanting to become an Archaeologist. She ended up becoming one around 20-22 years old, and soon began exploring the world for any lost artifacts. The problem is that most people working at museums and places dedicated to preserving artifacts treat her like she's joking around, probably because the sound of a centauress archaeologist sounds silly. Even with people thinking she's just pulling their legs, she still tries her best to explore every inch of the world for a new piece of gold!