


4 years, 30 days ago



"I'm losing it!..."
Name [Ricardo Suerte]
Name Pronunciation [Ree-card-ho]
Species [Maned wolf/cockatoo hybrid]
Age [25]
Gender [Male]
Pronouns [He/him/his]
Orientation [Straight]
Occupation [Telemarketer/singer]
Residence [Boston, Massachusetts]
Status [Single]
Design Notes
  • Crest on head is yellow and made out of feathers
  • Tops and bottoms of wings have the same color pattern
  • Eyes are deep brown
  • Orange streak goes from top of head to just above tail
  • Tall and lanky

Ricardo rarely meets someone he does not like! He is loud, congenial, and is seemingly always having a good time. He also loves to be the center of attention and is naturally persuasive, traits that suit him well at both of his jobs. Ricardo may come off as irritating or insincere at times, but he truly means well. Theme song: Fisher--Losing It: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3WdLtpWM_c


Ricardo grew up in Boston as a first generation American. His family would have much preferred that he work towards a traditionally respectable job, such as being a doctor or lawyer, but Ricardo took a job as a telemarketer, all the while fantasizing about breaking into the music business. Ricardo's dream was realized when he met Brian, the founder of a rock band called The Screaming Banshees. Now Ricardo gets to sing his heart out and get up to all sorts of wild adventures with his new friends!


Brian and Ricardo met at a local concert. When Brian mentioned that he was there scouting for talent for his own band, Ricardo jumped at the chance to join. Brian found Ricardo to be somewhat annoying initially, but had to admit that Ricardo had real skill as a singer, and so he signed Ricardo on. Over time, Brian has come to appreciate Ricardo's sunny nature and now considers him a true friend. Brian is at times a caustic worrywart, but is wonderfully caring and fun when he is unwound, and so Ricardo does his best to help Brian remain relaxed.


Ricardo met Julian via Brian, as Brian had already procured Julian's bass guitar playing talents for the band when he met Ricardo. Ricardo and Julian hit it off quickly, despite their differing personalities. Julian is quiet, intense, and introspective, and Ricardo has come to appreciate these qualities and to respect Julian a great deal. Ricardo makes sure that Julian's life is interesting, and Julian tries to keep Ricardo from getting into too much trouble.


Brian introduced Sadie to Ricardo after meeting her in a diner he frequented and bringing her on as the band's drummer. Although Sadie is typically slow to warm to others, she very quickly became attached to Ricardo and is now fiercely protective of him. Sadie can be crass, sarcastic, and brattish, and she often shows her care for Ricardo by teasing him mercilessly. However, Ricardo sees her jabs for what they are--expressions of affection--and is only too happy to return them.


Julian introduced Angelica to the rest of the band after she somehow convinced him that she was capable of managing the band. Surprisingly, she turned out to be decent at her job, and thus remains with the band. Angelica is power-hungry, blunt, and conniving, but in spite of these traits, Ricardo appears to genuinely like her. Angelica finds Ricardo to be irritating, but does her best to get along with him for her own sake.