


7 years, 5 months ago


Name [Eucalyptus Myrtacae]
Age [23]
Height [5'5"]
Build [Slim, Petite]
Species [Rainbow Eucalyptus]
Gender [Female]
Pronouns [She/Her]
Orientation [Unspecified]
Residence [A Forest]
Occupation [Best Friend]
Worth [$$$]
Status [Active]
Theme [Two Birds]


Design Notes

She is a tree with patches of bright color on her tawny skin. Her hair is made up of yallow-green leaves that curl up. One leaf sits straight up in the middle of her forehead; she used to hate it, but now she loves that about herself. She prefers to dress in a gender-neutral fashion and wears a very old, worn suit. It has patches of various colors sewn into it. Her button-up shirt underneath is a pale yellow, and her bow-tie is orange. She wears platform shoes that make her seem even taller. They add about 4" to her height. The soles of these shoes are striped in rainbow.

  • She wears mismatched socks.
  • Her eyes are rainbow, and round.
  • Her shoes make her seem 5'9".
  • She frequently has stains smeared onto her clothing.
  • Pellentesque rutrum quam non ipsum egestas
  • Aenean scelerisque eros eget tellus consequat luctus


Eucalyptus is an overly optimistic, overly exciteable woman. She is extremely positive, and always looks for the bright side of everything. Sometimes this turns poorly out of her favor, because she becomes very disappointed when things don't turn out the way she hopes it would.


  • Cras dictum vestibulum suscipit. Sed facilisis finibus sapien, ac vestibulum erat maximus vel.
  • Maecenas laoreet, enim ut ornare accumsan, ante nibh tristique ex, vitae laoreet purus mi a sapien.
  • Donec risus quam, efficitur non purus lobortis, tincidunt finibus ante. Pellentesque id congue risus.
  • Nullam egestas velit vitae purus ultricies suscipit. Nullam tincidunt eros tortor, nec placerat nunc interdum eu.
  • Quisque in consequat mi. Nulla facilisi. Sed accumsan massa at urna tempor, et cursus ligula mattis.


  • Tincidunt
  • Malesuada
  • Quisque
  • Aliquam
  • Consectetur
  • Suspendisse
  • Pellentesque


  • Negativity
  • Death
  • Being alone

Skills & Abilities


About skill. Nam vel hendrerit ante. Nullam facilisis fringilla metus, at bibendum eros tincidunt sed. In porta eget nisi vel ultricies. Phasellus eu sem vitae ligula ultricies malesuada. Curabitur pharetra dolor ac sapien lacinia, eget pellentesque tortor posuere. Fusce at ultrices dui, eget porttitor enim. Donec tempus, neque ut laoreet dignissim, sem velit congue turpis, id pharetra justo erat vitae diam.

Skill Name

About skill. Nam vel hendrerit ante. Nullam facilisis fringilla metus, at bibendum eros tincidunt sed. In porta eget nisi vel ultricies. Phasellus eu sem vitae ligula ultricies malesuada. Curabitur pharetra dolor ac sapien lacinia, eget pellentesque tortor posuere. Fusce at ultrices dui, eget porttitor enim. Donec tempus, neque ut laoreet dignissim, sem velit congue turpis, id pharetra justo erat vitae diam.

Skill Name

About skill. Nam vel hendrerit ante. Nullam facilisis fringilla metus, at bibendum eros tincidunt sed. In porta eget nisi vel ultricies. Phasellus eu sem vitae ligula ultricies malesuada. Curabitur pharetra dolor ac sapien lacinia, eget pellentesque tortor posuere. Fusce at ultrices dui, eget porttitor enim. Donec tempus, neque ut laoreet dignissim, sem velit congue turpis, id pharetra justo erat vitae diam.



Ever since Eucalyptus was a young sapling, she was by the side of her best friend Birch. She loves him with all of her heart.

Nam vel hendrerit ante. Nullam facilisis fringilla metus, at bibendum eros tincidunt sed. In porta eget nisi vel ultricies. Phasellus eu sem vitae ligula ultricies malesuada. Curabitur pharetra dolor ac sapien lacinia, eget pellentesque tortor posuere. Fusce at ultrices dui, eget porttitor enim. Donec tempus, neque ut laoreet dignissim, sem velit congue turpis, id pharetra justo erat vitae diam. Cras eu porta tortor, sed auctor tellus. Morbi aliquam erat mauris, ut luctus mauris volutpat ut. Morbi metus quam, posuere id sagittis pharetra, venenatis id mi. Aenean eleifend feugiat odio ut malesuada. Etiam vulputate mollis erat, non auctor tellus rutrum ultrices. Cras id orci pharetra, finibus lacus vitae, dapibus nisl. Pellentesque id dolor quis sapien ultrices pharetra vitae sit amet sem. Nam venenatis imperdiet quam, ut accumsan justo egestas placerat. Sed facilisis varius fringilla.


Birch | relationship
Info here
Name | relationship
Info here