Laertes Thromaire



4 years, 3 months ago


Laertes Thromaire


Cis Male (He/Him)


The Atronach

6'9" (206 cm)







Born 6th of Sun's Dusk, 2e 553, Laertes is a member of the Psijic Order, his class being a Master Herbalist (warden healer) who wields restoration and destruction staves, donning light armor.


Green Balance

Destruction Staff

Animal Companions

Restoration Staff

Jewelry Crafting

Light Armor


  • Flower pressing
  • Ashur
  • Artaeum


  • People who remind him of himself
  • Red wine
  • Spiders (arachnophobic)

As a teen and young adult, Laertes is defiant, rambunctious, and always does the opposite of what others say. He's full of energy and talks a lot, often annoying others. He does not take his lineage seriously, much to his parents and everyone around him's chagrin.

Despite his attitude, Laertes uses his skills as a healer to aid others when he can. He may only do so if he feels like he can benefit and get something in return, however.

In his later years (when he's raising Aegis and Rumellor), he's cold and very shrewd. It's apparent that he has many past regrets weighing him down as his life goes on. Laertes grows to have a general disdain for life, hating how careless he was in his youth and hating everything that reminds him of himself, like Aegis.



Laertes was born to two wealthy noble Altmeri in Alinor, Summerset. He had two younger sisters, and an older estranged half-sister. He was to become a prominent scholar and royal figure, but he'd often muck around and run away to do his own thing. He didn't like to be weighed down by his parents or anything else. In his mid-20's he was to be married off to another Altmer noble, but had started a love affair with Ashur, a Morag Tong assassin he met when he was on a self-appointed vacation to Elsweyr.

Laertes came in league with the Psijics and was invited to join them due to his amazing magic prowless. His parents were obviously against this, wanting him to instead live with them and carry their name and fortune with his arranged marriage and future career. Eventually Laertes was able to convince his parents to let him stay with the Psijics on Artaeum, where he would spend the next few centuries living and becoming an important figure in the Psijic Order. In a way, his family ostracized him, unbelieving that their only son would choose a mysterious ancient order over their fortune. Laertes would come to regret in his later years in abandoning his family, thinking perhaps he was too harsh on them. His two younger sisters took on the family name and fortune instead; Laertes never saw or heard from them again after joining the Psijics.


Laertes continued to see Ashur, even if their lives were very different. They saw something in each other and made a connection that lasted for decades. Laertes's mentors saw his little boyfriend as a bad distraction from his studies, so they forbid Laertes from seeing Ashur. Ashur, being the master assassin he is, still managed to get into Artaeum and see Laertes anyways. Laertes continued to be his defiant self, seeing his boyfriend in secret in between magic lessons. Laertes often dreamed of marrying Ashur, but knew it wouldn't be possible unless he left the Psijics, something he didn't want to do. He made do with just being lovers with the assassin.

Their love story doesn't have a happy ending, however. On one of their dates in Valenwood, Ashur was attacked by a Dark Brotherhood assassin, mortally injuring him. Laertes was there and managed to kill the assassin, quickly afterwards trying everything to heal and save Ashur. He kept trying to heal Ashur even after he was dead in his arms, but forgot to remember he can't revive what is already dead (not without necromancy, something Laertes would never turn to). Laertes would live out the rest of the life believing he could have prevented Ashur's death if he had been more aware of his surroundings. Centuries later, explorers would discover a grove in Valenwood which contained a corpse refusing to rot, surrounded by flowers.

A New Outlook

Laertes' personality changed for the worse after Ashur's death, becoming more cynical and apathetic. The other Psijics noticed this, but never commented on it, as Laertes was still excelling in his studies. Laertes continued to rise in power in the Psijic Order, but now carrying a vow to never get close to anyone again. There were many reasons Laertes became a bitter and shrewd Mer, but Ashur's death was what kickstarted it.

During the later part of the 3rd era, Laertes retired from the Psijic Order, returning to Altmer society on Summerset. Laertes was able to secure a somewhat comfortable spot as a noble due to his ties to his family. He married Mirilina, a Thalmor agent, through an arranged marriage. It was loveless, but Laertes hoped he could at least raise a family with her and pass on his knowledge, something he felt he was running out of time to do. They raised two sons, Rumellor and Aegisthus, to be powerful mages. Laertes trained them both, teaching them the greatest self-discipline and keeping them under strict rules. Rumellor was obedient and never faltered, but Laertes sensed Aegisthus didn't actually want to be studying under him. Laertes saw his younger self in Aegis, something that struck a nerve and made him despise his youngest son greatly. He didn't try to hide it from Aegis, making it apparent he favored Rumellor.

Family Issues

Soon, however, Rumellor died in an assassination, and Aegis came forward and explained how he saw the assassin beforehand but didn't report it. Laertes and Mirilina viewed this as Aegis being responsible for the death of their favored son, and promptly threw him out. Laertes would come to regret this, being reminded of the fact that Aegis was acting just like himself in his younger years. Laertes couldn't come to accept who he was growing up, so he took out his anger on Aegis.

At some point after ostracizing Aegis, Laertes joined the Psijic Order again, but as a less-prominent figure. He indirectly made up everything he did to Aegis during 4e 201, playing a role in making him the Archmage of Winterhold, but expected no forgiveness from his one remaining son. Laertes' motivations for doing this weren't entirely to benefit Aegis, however; he viewed Aegis being the Archmage of a good sign for himself, showing that he did do something right in raising a son who achieved such a position. In the end, Laertes only made Aegis the Archmage to benefit himself and his malnourished ego.

Laertes doesn't think he's a good person, not in his waning days. He disappears sometime in the 4th era, after Aegis becomes Archmage, leaving Summerset and cutting contact with everyone, including Mirilina and the Psijic Order. A funeral was held for him, something Aegis actually got word of but chose not to attend it.


  • Family: Aegisthus, Rumellor (sons), Mirilina (wife)
  • Voiced by: Peter Capaldi (English) and Katsuyuki Konishi (Japanese)
  • Face claim: WIP
  • Handedness: Right
  • He is red-green colorblind (deuteranopia)
  • Has a secret affinity for picking flowers and pressing them
  • His grandfather on his mother's side is a Bosmer


Ashur [ lover ]


Sotha Sil [ mentor ]


Mirilina [ wife ]

Laertes and Mirilina had a very loveless marriage; they only married to combine their fortunes.

Vonryl [ colleague ]

Vonryl and Laertes are both Psijics. Laertes' rambunctious behavior annoys most of the other Psijics, but Vonryl doesn't mind it. They get along and often study together.
