Shizuki Kishii (Personality)



Growing up in a household like she did? Shizuki learned early on how to keep her head down and her thoughts to herself and how it was the best way to avoid getting embroiled in any conflicts that might arise. After all it was hard to be drawn into a fight that she seemed to have absolutely no stake in. An arguably decent mindset depending on who you asked so long as she had someone that she could vent to about her emotions and while Shizuki did have a few people like that in her life that didn't stop her from bottling things down to the point and in effort of trying to forget entirely about it. There are plenty of things she hates, sometimes immensely so, but it is a hard sell to get her to break that stiff upper lip attitude of hers and let things spill out. Something that has negative consequences in that she often doesn't even bring up things she enjoys or knows immensely about lest she worry that she might be at all the slightest bit annoying. However even people like Shizuki have their limits and when on those very, very, rare times she hits those limits all that was bottled up ends up exploding out spectacularly. However between these moments of bottling and its release she tends to project ways that secretly show how she feels. Namely in the realm of a near constant sour expression that she wears on her face. However while she might have moments where anger and irritation get the better of her emotionally? Nothing truly helps like the love of a particular person in her life who almost every time they talk can get a smile and/or a giggle out of Shizuki and for a moment can make all the problems of the world melt away in an instant.