Shizuki Kishii (Relationships)



729438?1528184516Vardah Lasout [Girlfriend]
Shizuki and Vardah met by completely by chance when they were younger, 12 and eleven, respectively. While neither expected to end up where they are currently or even expected to see each other after that first meeting fate had other ideas. Shizuki found herself in Indonesia accompanying her grandparents on one of her grandfather's business trips. Vardah seemingly randomly appeared, offering a barrette to Shizuki when she could see that the other was having issues with her hair on a windy day, before leaving without a word. The two met again the next day, and the next, and the next while Shizuki was there. Exchanging information after a bit of work and talking online afterwards. Communication was slow due to the language barrier but soon enough they were in regular correspondence, growing closer to each other, until Shizuki felt she had a crush on Vardah. While she tried to bury her feelings, the memory of what happened to her sister fresh in her mind, it was when the two met in-person while Vardah visited her in Japan that Shizuki accidentally revealed that she liked Vardah as more than a friend. The feelings were reciprocated and the two began to date in secret shortly after entering a long distance relationship after they parted. Seeing each other when they could but talking almost exclusively online and with an increased fervor. Eventually Shizuki moved back to America and was surprised to see that Vardah had joined the US military in an effort to join Shizuki, seeing it as the only feasible way to obtain citizenship and in that way the only way that Vardah could move permanently to the US and be with her girlfriend, and though Vardah's deployments and training kept them apart, they were now only a road trip away from each other at most at times. While Shizuki was both hit with an overwhelming lovestruck feeling that anyone would deem her important enough to do such a thing? She also lived every day worried that Vardah might get hurt or worse in-directly because of her. A fear that was confirmed when Vardah was wounded in action and nearly died due to a friendly fire situation. Shizuki was there for Vardah afterwards, helping with rehab, finding ways for Vardah to deal with the stresses and anxiety that came about from her PTSD, and being the driving force in convincing Vardah to accept the military's offer to be discharged in exchange for all her benefits and various other things to make her transition back to civilian life easier.  The two had moved in together shortly after Vardah's return to the states after being wounded. They have been living together for several months now and are still living together happily and comfortably following Vardah's discharge from the military. While Shizuki has to admit the exact circumstances that led to this could have been better? After a decade of knowing each other and falling in love? Shizuki didn't want to be with anyone else. 
949011?1528183409Asami Kishi [Sister]
Shizuki's knowledge of Asami is limited. While she did and still deeply loves her sister, Shizuki as of current, doesn't even know if Asami is still alive. The last they saw of each other was over a decade ago when, after being discovered to have a girlfriend, Asami was kicked out and disowned by their parents. While Shizuki's first thought was to come to her sister's defense she was too young to do anything more than watch the argument as a passive observer. Shizuki is still heart-broken, wishing she had done something, anything but knowing that she couldn't. Now, Asami lives on in a small box of various bits of memorabilia that Shizuki kept hidden away for a decade with an old Polaroid being the most important thing Shizuki has of the two. While Shizuki hopes beyond hope that the two might meet again? Shizuki has accepted the strong chance that her sister is dead.    
933480?1528184082Mackenzie Kishi [Cousin]
Following what happened to her sister, Asami? Mackenzie stepped up to serve almost as a big sister figure for Shizuki. Being the proverbial shoulder to cry on or the open ear to her problems. Mackenzie was the first person that Shizuki came out to, the only person who knew about her and Vardah's relationship, and both had a mutual understanding at just how tough Shizuki's parents were and the missing of Asami. It wasn't just a one-way street. Shizuki was the first person to learn ASL to speak with Mackenzie following her losing her voice thanks to a car crash, Shizuki was a major help in helping her cousin deal with her depression and survivor's guilt, and Shizuki was a strong force in helping Mackenzie through her rehab and all the way into getting a job and going to school. They might not be sisters but they certainly love each other like they were. 
729847?1528183509Fabian Blackwell [Girlfriend's Boyfriend]
Truth be told, Shizuki doesn't like Fabian. She doesn't outright hate him or show antipathy towards him but she does not like him with a passion. Originally knowing Fabian as just some random guy that Vardah had slept with? She almost instantly became jealous when him and Vardah started to develop feelings for each other. A part of her feeling that it was unfair. That she had spent years in Vardah's life before she had the courage to reveal her attraction. It was both an irrational anger and a somewhat reasonable one. She was ready to hate him until he suggested they all go out and try and break the ice. For most of the night Shizuki's jealousy only grew alongside her blood alcohol level as they drank and drank and drank. It came to a head when, while Fabian was singing Africa by Toto to Vardah in the karaoke bar they had gone to, downed one shot too many and went on stage with him, took the mic from him, and took the reins on the song. Fabian, however, wasn't upset by this and instead the two soon enough found them singing a duet. Alternating lines or sharing them as needed. Shizuki didn't know any of this at the time. She discovered this the next morning alongside her hangover when she watched the video that Vardah had shot of the singing on Shizuki's phone for her. Hearing them both being cheered on, neither being favored over the other, and if they were it was during moments when it was their turn in the quite literal spotlight. Shizuki's worries melted away as she had some tangible proof that she wasn't being replaced and that just because Vardah also loved Fabian that she still loved her too. It is still weird between Shizuki and Fabian though. 
729852?1528183262Archer Huang [Professor]
While certainly surprised that one of Vardah's more consistent hook-ups turned out to be her professor, Shizuki doesn't mind too much, unlike with Fabian she doesn't see Archer as competition and instead simply almost as that one person who you don't know that well but is best friends with someone you do. The two have a silent mutual understanding not to talk about it whenever they see each other; it's just kind of awkward. 
906039?1528184093Mal Last-Name-Unknown [Dentist]
Meeting while Shizuki was settling into her new home in Portgate while Shizuki was attempting to find doctors and the likes that would be covered by her insurance plans. The two made each other's acquaintance when Shizuki came into Mal's practice and although both parties were awkward due to their own issues Shizuki felt comfortable, if dwarfed, by the other and soon enough Shizuki began to see Mal as a patient of them.  On extremely rare circumstances the two have met outside the office and it isn't too uncommon for the two of them to have lunch together if circumstances allow.