Archer Zhu Huang (Personality)



To the general public Archer seems rather boring. A stone-faced, constantly and seemingly bored, sort that seems to want things done right but done quick. However it would be a lie to say that wasn't a show.  While he might seem a bit cold and distant. In all honesty? Archer's true personality is one of calculations and playing a long con. Everything he does almost seems measured. From the things he says to the stuff he does to sometimes even the steps he takes. A series of actions Archer weighs in his mind as necessary of beneficial results.  Everything about him seems slightly artificial. Be it a rare smile that almost always seems forced and practiced to an air of haughtiness that surrounds him in everything he does. However while most who do things like this do it as some method of harming others. Deceiving them with false platitudes so that they will give the person whatever they want? With Archer it is more defensive than malicious. Controlling his surroundings as best he can lest it turn on him in an instant rather than grooming his environment to solely please him. However this calm and cold persona is just that and beneath is a man that very few rarely see. A man who panics about everything to the Nth degree. Speculating about the worst even from something as simple as a handshake. He is a man who is quick to defend his pride even as the expense of letting people see past his shell. He is a man who in an effort to repress some parts of his humanity often finds them spilling forth uncontrolled in certain situations only to regret it later; be it a moment of compassion for a failing student bringing forth worries that he might be fired for grading them on a curve or someone appealing to his more base needs in a way that only makes him realize how much he might have exposed of his real self to his temporary bedfellow.  All in all, Archer is a man about appearances. A fact marked by what almost seems like stress ticks than preening as he constantly finds himself adjusting his glass and tie or smoothing his hair. It depends very much on the person and the means they employ that can help crack that hard shell of a seemingly uncompromising and coldly cynical man to reveal a side of him that is more or less a ball of worries.