


3 years, 11 months ago


Name Adelson
Nicknames Adel
Species Dragonish
Gender Male
Pronouns He/They
Height 6'7"
Birthday June 6th
Age 24
Orientation Gaaaaaay
Occupation Adventurer & Baker
Role Comfort Character
Story ★None ATM tbh

SUMMARY: 25413527_P1g2TU1fhFol78J.png
    Adel is a very casual sort of fellow, he can be a little blunt at first, quick to give people nicknames based off their appearance if he doesn't know their name. The better he gets to know you, the more likely he is to start actually thinking about what he says and getting more self conscious about it. He's easily startled, and tends to go along with anything.
    He's very social, and likes being around others. He prefers to be with people who come up with things, since he tends to be more of a follower than a do-er. He's convinced the best way to resolve most conflict is through food, and enjoys baking.


    Adelson grew up mostly cared for by the community, he never thought too much of it. He was never all that sensitive about not having parents, and never really cared to give it all that much thought. He lived his life in he small community housing, and was grateful for everything they gave him. Eventually he ran into a kid named Tang, and was instantly in awe with how cool he was! He started following them around, and they grew to become friends.
   He met Holi not soon after, accidently upsetting her. This is where he learned that the best cure to arguments is food, and offered her some sweets as reconciliation. The two became close pals, and soon they became a trio. While each of them had other friends, the trio stayed strong, despite their very different personalities, they got along okay, and Adelson was grateful for them.
   Things were great until Tang developed feelings for Holi, and decided to ask her out. Holi rejected Tang, and Tang was heartbroken. Adelson was also heartbroken, but he couldn't quite figure out why- and then he figured it out, it was because HE was in love with Tang. Unfornately for Adelson, Tang and Holi refused to talk with each other, each was uncomfortable around the other, and Adelson was stressed. His friend group was falling apart.
   As time passed, Adelson eventually came to admit he didn't want things to end with all of them apart, and begged Holi and Tang to just talk things out. Both begrudgingly agreeing for Adel's sake, they talked things out, and figured out their feelings out over icecream. The group was back together, and Adel was overjoyed!
   Now the group is back together, and Adelson is feeling great. He's recently been trying to practice his baking skill, and train his wind magic to become stronger. There's also a third goal, but that's been tough to figure out. He doesn't want to accidently split his friend group again, but he really really really likes Tang.


+ Practices wind based magic in his free time, is both proud, and embarrassed by it
+ Can't fly, he can only lift himself with magic, his wings are too small!
+ Often bumps his horns on door frames, he's very tall and forgets this
+ Does not weigh much, especially when using magic to make himself extra light
+ Can make his tail tip GLOW
+ Needs his glasses to see but did not realize that for a very long time, still doesn't always wear them
+ Loves to bake and cook, and is REALLY good at it
+ SONGS: Piano Teacher by Bug Hunters

+ Big sugar fiend, actually likes white chocolate
+ Star watching, especially with Tang
+ Hanging out with his friends, being in social settings
+ Wearing his Glasses
+ Burnt smell, it usually means somethings gone wrong
+ Quick decision making, he gets bad choice paralysis