


3 years, 11 months ago



Name Kekkul
Gender Female (she/her)
OrientationAsexual Heteroromantic
AlignmentTrue Neutral


Enthusiatic and not shy about it, Kekkul is used to being heard and is hard to ignore. She is devoted to her horse Blackie, whom she believes is her warlock patron. She wishes to spread Blackie's acclaim as far as possible and net the horse more worshippers. Passionate in all her endeavors, she makes fast friends with those who please her horse and will remain unfailingly loyal unless given reason otherwise. She often works with the military on shorter contracted quests as mages as powerful as Kekkul are few and far between. She doesn't mind their patriotism but is herself ambivalent; they're simply a means to an end for her. As a psionic sorcerer, Kekkul can affect the minds of those around her, commanding them to obey or causing intense psychic pain. However, she prefers to use her words to convince others as a willing person is more useful than a drone.

Kekkul was raised in Rexinter, a southern colony of the Hord high in the mountains and bordering gnoll territory. Her village was home to Ixhawuel, a massive sapphire dragon who'd made a deal with the Hord to gain whatever servants and tributes it desired in exchange for soaking the minds of the occupants in magic. This was part of Queen Regina's efforts to encourage psionic talent. Kekkul was unaware of this arrangement but she knew the dragon as a deeply respected figure who frequently invaded the school to "impart life advice" and the arbiter of dreams. She came of age and made a living as a bandit, harassing gnolls and other non-goblins who lacked the ability to give chase. Although she held no specific affiliation, she worked with several bandit groups mostly dealing in the capture, training, and sale of animals.

She gained a healthy respect for all beasts and an understanding of how to alongside them as partners. One day while riding her mount she discovered her arcane powers and decided they had been granted by her horse, instead of the dragon of her hometown. She was determined to repay her debt and stopped riding, preferring now to walk together. After this she left the black market scene and traveled to spread the name of her horse.

Kekkul and two similarly powerful goblins were hired by the Empire to take care of an issue and formed an adventuring party, defeating monsters and gods alike. However in her last quest she was killed and revived in service of her murderer, an odd floating skull. The skull set out in search of the wonders of the world with Kekkul's enthralled party leading the way. Kekkul led them to her hometown in search of someone could cast the spell Wish since her own ability to cast it had been destroyed by the skull. It was there that Ixhawuel the Azure Fantasy told Kekkul her magic was psionic in nature and her horse, mundane. This shook Kekkul to the core and she now questions her faith, searching for answers on godhood from the various holy folk and believers she encounters on her travels.




Bramble ( friend )
She knows a lot about animals and respects Blackie greatly. Kekkul respects her in turn and is grateful for her doting on her horse. She acts tough but ends up crying and hugging people before you know it.

Torch ( friend )
He's never bothered by the situations they get into and has experience in seemingly every skill. Torch is especially handy in battle, even though he messes up sometimes. He's patient with Kekkul through her screw-ups, which she appreciates.

Traymere ( acquaintance )
An elven necromancer who owes Kekkul the life of his beloved and knows it. He's done what Kekkul asked him to do, but he might still prove useful.

Samael ( acquaintance )
A worthy devotee of her horse. She'll give him a break if she ever meets him.

The Overlord ( acquaintance )
A fellow horse-worshipper and someone Kekkul feels a strong kinship long as he doesn't challenge her horse's right to rule, that is.

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