


7 years, 1 month ago




accepting ✦ designer

"Let's make the best of what we have."

Name: Lucas Aka (赤琉貸)
Species: human
Gender: male
Pronouns: he/him
Orientation: demisexual heteroromantic
Occupation: artisan


Luka is a quiet and serious craftsman who's doing his best to raise his child alone. He is confident in his work as an artist and amateur historian, but in social matters, he worries that he will upset people and remains largely passive. He is overly attentive to the needs of those around him often to the detriment of his own and is learning to advocate on behalf of Toska, his child. He wants a better, freer life for them. He's not unhappy with the way his turned out, but he knows that his child does not deserve the same burdens he willingly submitted to. He cares deeply about his family and close friends and will show his affection by making them elaborate gifts.


The second child born on his tiny island, Luka was fawned over as a child and doted upon. His mother, a former soldier, taught him her defense techniques but largely let him do whatever he liked, regardless of safety concerns. Although he is fully human many in his community are not and he was viewed as being fragile. He grew up with his interests encouraged and became interested in traditional crafting methods, especially masks. When the first island child, Yōjirō, left to explore the world and adventure, the inhabitants grew concerned and forbade Luka from leaving. He was bitter about this, because although he'd never had intentions of leaving, having it stolen from him hurt. Even now, in adulthood, Luka is the only of the now numerous island children who cannot leave. He is simply too precious to let go. Instead of protesting, he held his feelings inside and turned to his art. He met and fell in love with a young author from the mainland and they had a child when he was only eighteen. Toska's mother later realized she was aromantic and uninterested in domestic life or the raising of a child and returned to her homeland, where Luka couldn't follow her. He's had a couple relationships since and is currently dating another islander. Luka took it upon himself to raise Toska in a safe and loving environment where they would be supported 100%, and has largely succeeded.

  • schnitzels
  • red
  • journaling
  • creativity
  • kids
  • honey
  • arbitrary restraints
  • ambitious people
  • aphids
  • secrecy


Luka recieved basic martial arts training for his mother and can last long enough in a fight to run away. He's agile and can handle a blade but he abhors unnecessary violence and is more likely to dodge than retaliate.


He inherited his odd brick red hair and short stature from his mother, but his face and eyes are almost exactly the same as his dad. Luka tends to wear semi-casual argyle sweaters around the house. Toska says he looks like an out of work university professor. In his workshop, where he spends most of his time, he wears a bright red happi coat and simple clothing he doesn't mind getting paint on. He always wears a black fox mask out of respect for his ancestors. Luka is half-East Asian and half-European in ethnicity.


A gender-fluid passionate metal fan, Toska appreciates intensity in art and life. They get along reasonably well with their dad, although they tend to tease him about being uncool. Now that Toska's at the age of independence they don't stay in touch as much as Luka would prefer.


Luka's second wife. Suzu's a deceptively competitive person but she can be understanding as well. She pushes Luka to heights he'd never dare to go alone.


The kind of understanding person who can get what Luka's feeling even when he doesn't say it out loud, Jun is protective of him in a different way than the adults in his past were. She wants him to be happy and encourages him to take opportunities when they come his way. He also enjoys her landscaping and sometimes uses her gardens as inspiration.

profile html by Hukiolukio