


3 years, 11 months ago


  • Loke

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Cruel • Lascivious • Conqueror

Specie Lion
Gender Male
Pride Darklands
Birth Pride Darklands
Role King
Birthday July 30

Loke is a proud, spoiled and demanding king, very mean and cruel, makes every lion bend to his claws. He's also a conqueror like his father, his dream is to rule all the lion lands.

He has a strong lascive personality, looking for every lioness to make more of his heirs, he wants to raise a son perfect like himself.

This OC is open for relationships.


"Make them obey by force!"

Build Bulky

Fur Rasp and Piercing

Height 1,75m

Weight 235kg

Pelt Color Wood Black

Belly color Carbon Grey

Mane color Otter Brown

Eye color Platinum



  • Ripped Left Ear
  • Scratched Right Ear
  • Two Scratches on Nose
  • Tree Scratches on Left Eye
  • Big Scratch on Right Shoulder
  • Two Scratches on Left Paw
  • Two Scratches Behind Right Paw
  • Bite on Left Leg
  • Tiny Scratches on Butt
  • Tree Scratches on Back
  • Bite on Tail Tip


Loke comes from Loki and means God of destruction, having Scandinavian origins.


Won his scars in his many fights to claim the lands, Malaika scratched his back and Inkosi ripped his ear, his nose scratch was caused by Soren and his eye scrath was caused by Dunia.


Second born of the rulers of the Darklands, was chosen as heir of the land, always spoiled by everyone, by his father's orders, he could have anything he wanted.

Loke liked to mess with all his so called friends, being very mean and forcing them to do what he wanted, his father punished the cubs that defied him, even killing a female that refused being his son's mate..


Katili had to travel to conquer another land, leaving Loke in command, he decided it was time to find a mate and his choice would be the one who got him the better heir.

Loke had many heirs, including with the lioness that Inkosi loved, the brother got furious and attacked Loke, but the oldest was strong and killed his own brother.

Katili didn't got back from the battle, most of the pride fell with him, Loke discovered that the Sunlands king had killed his father. He wanted revenge and he wanted to continue his legacy, but not just conquer the lands, he wanted to kill all lions and start a new land with only his heirs. Malaika, his sister got against him, so he killed her and Hamoyo, just like everyone that defied him.

Finish Line

Loke had conquered many lands and reunited many mates, but none of the heirs was good enough for him, until he saw a black lion on the Sunlands, he knew right away that was his son and maybe a proper heir, so he lured him outside of the lands and captured him.

What he didn't knew is that the lion, Niama, had a family, they all came to the rescue. Loke's allies ran away from the fight, leaving him alone, he fought against all the lions, defeating most of them, but in the end he felt from his own pride rock, almost dying in a pit of lava. But he didn't, he crawled away, completely burned and ready for revenge. His heir, Loki, seeing the pitful state of his father, finished him without second thoughts.

Cause of Death: Burned and finished by Loki.

OC Origins

I wanted a dark main villain with cold ice eyes, he was one of the first lions I designed, so he's very simple, but I don't think it looks plain or boring, so I don't plan on changing Loke's design anytime soon.

First Appearence


Age: N/A


Last Appearence


Age: N/A


First Chronological Appearence


Age: N/A


Video Appearences



[ Father ] Loke loved his father, he was one of the few lions that he respected, maybe the only one. He never disobeyed or defied him.


[ Mother ] Loke knew his mother hated him, he could see in her eyes, she always disapproved his behavior, but he never listened to her.


[ Sister ] Loke and Malaika constantly beated their heads at each other, she defended the cubs from him, specially his weak brother. She wasn't useful for him and he was just waiting the chance to kill her.


[ Brother ] Hamoyo was weak and naive, Loke's favorite punching bag, at least when he didn't ran to his mother's or sister's arms.


[ Brother ] Inkosi always was in Loke's way, he wasn't troublesome like Malaika, but was extremely annoying and was always against him.


[ Brother ] Sometimes Loke forgot that his brother existed, he usually made some jokes about him.


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