


3 years, 11 months ago


  • Katili


Short-Tempered • Dutful • Cruel

Specie Lion
Gender Male
Pride Darklands
Birth Pride Darklands
Role King
Birthday June 13
Theme Enemy

Katili is cruel, but fair, he conquers by force, but disapprove bloodshed. A strong and wise lion, can't be tricked easily, don't trust or forgive easily either and don't have a great temper. He's loyal to his land and mate, his goal is to be the ruler of all lands.


"Show them your real strenght"

Build Slim

voice Calm but Stern

Height 1,39m

Weight 295kg

Pelt Color Bistre

Belly color Taupe

Mane color Redwood

Eye color Pearl gray


Distiguishing Features

  • Scruffy Eyebrows
  • Light Chin
  • Beard
  • Arm Tuff


Katili means Cruel and has Swahili origins.


Only son and heir of the Darklands rulers, was spoiled by his mother and beaten by his father, both training him to be a great leader. He was cold to the other cubs, but he left alone the weak ones, like they didn't exist, for their own protection.


His parents left for a dangerous conquer and never came back, Katili had to choose a mate to become king, acording to tradition. Every lioness flirted with him, but he always felt attracted by the weak and shy lioness, Bavu, maybe because she was easy to control or because he needed to protect her.

His mate gave birth to a female cub, Katili got disgusted, he would never aceppt a female as heir, but Bavu begged for him to spare her life, so he did, but this cub created a huge separation between the two, and that's when Katili slipped, the healer, Mbali, was there for him and he took too much profit of it, but he got her pregnant, the cub didn't looked like him, so nobody discovered his mistake.

Bavu promised him that the next cub would be a beautiful male, and it was, Loke was perfect, his next heir, they had three more cubs as well, all males, Katili was afraid they could compete against the heir, but he decided to keep them.

Finish Line

Katili conquered many lands, he was feared trough all the savana, known as the dark king.

He could always count with his counselour, Sadiki, so he never expected his betrayal, the lion knew he wanted to attack the Sunlands, one of the most strongest lands, much more stronger than Katili had imagined, he killed the king's heirs, but got defeated by him, taking all his lionesses down with his defeat.

Cause of Death: Murdered by the king of the Sunlands.


Following what the pride wanted, Katili chose Mbaya as his queen, they had a son called Judas, he was a copy of Katili's father, he was disgusted, he hated both mother and son.

OC Origins

Katili really had big changes, not just in design, but in personality enrichment. I created him to be the main villain's father and they ended up being very alike in appearence, but Katili was a little scruffier and malnourished. With time, I got bored of his super plain design and completely redesign him, keeping only the black fur and eyes, the red mane gave him a more royal and empowering look, that's when he started to have more meaning, being more than simply Loke's father.

I decided to make the Darklands comic to give Loke some origins, and ended up giving a story for Katili and Bavu too. The more I wrote the story, more I got focused on the king and queen, I already had some ideas for Bavu, but Katili was just a side character, a feared king that cared for the weak lioness, Now he's much more, I really engaged in his story, even creating a whole story for his parents and even a full comic for his grandmother, something I really didn't expected.

First Appearence

Dark King - Page 3

Age: 21 years old (human) / 19 months old (lion)


Last Appearence


Age: N/A


First Chronological Appearence

BADB Page 3

Age: Newborn


Video Appearences

MAP Part

Oh Baby Aw Man


[ Father ] The old king was a tyrant. Mean and opressive, didn't spared his mate or son, always beated Katili to make him stronger.


[ Mother ] Katili's mother was weak and shy, she obeyed everything that the king ordened, Katili loved her, but never defended her.


[ Cousin ] Katili and Sadiki were raised together, he was the only male that the king tolerated in his lands, the only male he trusted.


[ Mate ] Katili never put in words, but he loved Bavu, he felt the urge to protect her in every moment and appeciated her kindness and soft words to him.


[ Daughter ] Malaika was a pain, a burden. A stubburn lioness that believed to be a warrior.


[ Son ] His love and pride, Loke was everything Katili's ever wanted, he trained him to be a great king.


[ Son ] Hamoyo was his little baby, a little too weak, but still his son.


[ Son ] Katili really liked his little prince, he reminded him as a cub.


[ Son ] Bavu always feared for her son, afraid of someone trying to kill him for being defective.


[ Daugther ] Dawa didn't exist to Katili, she was a mistake, a flaw, nothing else.


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