


3 years, 11 months ago


  • Hamoyo


Lonely • Cold • Strong

Specie Lion
Gender Male
Pride Riverlands
Birth Pride Darklands
Role King
Birthday September 29
Theme Lovely

Hamoyo was always a shy and lonely lion, he was afraid of making mistakes and get hurt, or get her sister in trouble. But after his almost-death everything changed, everything he cared about was lost, he couldn't care less about the world. Still, his kindness never left him, he was a cold and violent rogue, but never hurt someone that didn't deserved it.


"You are capable of anything"

Build Bulky

Voice Growly and Deep

Height 1,43m

Weight 282kg

Pelt color Irish Coffee

Belly color Sandrift

Mane color Eclipse Brown

Eye color Pastel Grey


Distinguishing Features

  • Ear Rims
  • Beard
  • Dark Gradient Nose Line
  • Spots on Forearms


  • Two Scratches on Nose


Hamoyo is a variation of Moyo and means Wish of the Heart, having Swahili origins.


His scar was a punishment from his brother Loke.


Hamoyo was a scrawny and shy boy, the lionesses didn't had the courage to bully a prince, so they mostly ignored him. His best friend was his sister Malaika, but he also had fun with his littermates.

The more time passed, more his old brother Loke got insane, he became a tyran that needed to be stopped. His brothers ran away from him, but he stayed to help Malaika overthrow Loke. Unfortunatelly the big lion got the best of them and killed both.

Hamoyo was sure he was dead, he didn't tried to fight it, but then a light came, a little white cub healed his wounds and brought him back to life.


Hamoyo continued his life as a rogue, he didn't wished to join any prides or stay with other lions, but he couldn't forget that white cub, until a day he saw a lion drowning in the river, he rushed to help and realised it was his savior, the white cub! He was afraid of scaring her, so he kept his distance, but was always watching.

When Nyota was captured by the Dawnlands prince, Hamoyo ran to save her, he discovered she had lost her memories, but had a clue where her home could be, so the lion decided to help her get back home.

After many struggles they found a strange lion called Kijani, who said to be Nyota's little brother, he took them to the Moonlands and there was Noyta's family. Feeling he accomplished his mission, hamoyo left the pride to get back to his rogue life, but Noyta stopped him, she was in love with him and Hamoyo couldn't deny he was in love with her, even since they fist met as cubs.

Finish Line

They left together to start a new pride, the Riverlands, and had two troublemakers, wich Hamoyo knew would become great lions. They also had more two little cubs, all of them considered great treasures.

Cause of Death: Old age.

OC Origins

I design Hamoyo to be Nyota's mate, a serious but loving lion. Then I noticed how he looked like the main villain, Loke, probably because of the ice eyes, so why not to make them brothers? And that's when I started developing his story on the Darklands, he was the youngest and only sibling of Loke, until Malaika and later the other two came around.

First Appearence


Age: N/A


Last Appearence


Age: N/A


First Chronological Appearence


Age: N/A


Video Appearences

Mama's Boy


[ Mother ] Hamoyo loved his mother, she conforted him and he helped her to walk and eat, they spent a lot of time together.


[ Father ] Hamoyo respected his father, but her wished for a bit of his care, they never spent time together, Hamoyo never got the chance to prove his worth to him.


[ Sister ] Malaika was Hamoyo's favorite creature in all the world, she was his amazing big sister, he tried to help her in every way he could.


[ Brother ] Hamoyo gave up trying to understand Loke, he was cruel and selfish, things would be better if he would just go away forever.


[ Brother ] Inkosi was loud and full of energy, Hamoyo couldn't keep up, but they liked eachother.


[ Brother ] A very few lions could comprehend Mwendo, and Hamoyo was the closest of him, he knew Mwendo was so much more than everyone though.


[ Mate ] Nyota was the love of his life, he couldn't stay away from her without missing his mate immensively, she gave him his life back and he gave her her courage.


[ Daughter ] His little devilish princess, Hamoyo was intimidating on the outside, but he was too soft on the inside to proper discipline their children.


[ Son ] Motaji was hard to read, he was too quiet, too polite. Hamoyo wished that he came out of his shell and live a life at fullest.


[ Son ] Nusu always came up with something new, Hamoyo motivated him, wanting to know what else he could do.


[ Daughter ] Neupe was the most royal and delicated lioness Hamoyo ever met, she was a bright star walking on earth.


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