Caleb Budde (Calebainty)



4 years, 3 months ago


Caleb Budde

I ll lomve... lomve my babie boyyy ;O;
Basic Info

NameCaleb Budde
Age 22
Height 5' 9" | 175 cm
Weight140 lbs | 63.5 kg
Gender Male
Species Dainty
Dictionary # MYO #3662
Ear Type Rabbit
Hoof Type Pony
OccupationMedium/Fortune Teller
Handedness Right
Host TBD
Design Notes

  • This character is a Dainty, they have hooved digitigrade legs and their stockings cannot be removed or altered!
  • Caleb only ever wears long sleeved clothes. He gets cold very easily.

  • When Caleb was younger, he was ashamed of how "creepy" his stockings looked. He used to hide them, and still does some days, when his confidence is at a low point.
  • Caleb is the dainty version of the main character from my superhero webcomic, Power Pills. Check out his main form HERE!

Friendly and helpful, Caleb likes to make sure everyone who he meets leaves their interactions happy. He's a people pleaser, but can also be quite timid. Outside of his shop and home, he loses a lot of his confidence and can become anxious very quickly.


  • Making people happy
  • His job

  • Crowded Spaces
  • Being judged

Caleb's life went fairly well, all things considered. He always had a bit of an empathic ability, and was always very good at reading people's emotions. Some days, it even seemed like he would know things others didn't. As he grew older, it became clear that Caleb had a bit of a sixth sense, and the ability to see spirits. But he hated this ability and rejected it. Unfortunately, his stockings only highlighted his abilities and led to him being sort of a social outcast due to their morbid and unsettling imagery. For much of his early adult life, he would hide his stockings and avoid people out of shame.

It wasn't until he grew older that he began to accept his abilities, and, once he grew comfortable enough, he even opened a shop where he does psychic readings for people, even teaching himself how to predict the future. He likes to see the abilities he hated so long used to make people happy.


Childhood Friend
Avery and Caleb were raised side-by-side. They were neighbors growing up and chose to live near each other on Earth as well.