Sepheir Ruma



3 years, 9 months ago


Sepheir Ruma

This life may have teared you apart and ripped you open, your sins engraved to your bones and weakness written in your skin, but for fuck's sake- even you deserve a happy ending.

Gender Female
Pronouns She/Her
Age 19
DoB December 30
Sign Capricorn
S.O. Zuro Akashi
Height 177cm
Alignment Neutral Good
Occupation Medic
Hometown Venice, Italy
Sorry to distrub you, Lady Sepheir... but I got another injury...
Hm? Again?
Sorry, sorry! It's just I got injured during a fight and I didn't expect the injury to be that grand... Sorry for being kinda reckless...
It's fine. Really. I'm only concerned about your health. Please be more careful. You can come over into the medic room, I'll know what to do.
Extroverted Introverted
Instinctive Calculated
Polite Sassy
Deceptive Sincere
Indifferent Emotional
Reserved Affectionate
Lone wolf Team player
Medical Knowledge
Archetype The Magician
Leading trait Responsible
Biggest flaw Repressive


  • Sepheir is the medic of the team, and she knows how to fix several injuries and patch up different wounds.
  • She treats people with the utmost care once they're injured, but she gets pissed off if the injury was caused by something idiotic and the person definitely had it coming.
  • As a capo, she's very respected but sometimes, they can be rather disobedient to her command.
  • The whole Protezioni consider her as the most serious capo and she doesn't normally do things for fun. She's also one of the most intelligent ones, but this mostly shows when it comes to medicine, injuries or anything the like.
  • She's normally silent, but if you insult her or her members, she won't be scared to talk back. She is also rather aggressive, and this shows a lot when it comes to fighting.

She briefly had an argument with Ko the first time she's seen but it was quickly stopped by Aki. Later on in te introduction arc, she shows some concern towards Romano who panics because of Ko. She's seen with Zuro after the meeting, and they were found talking with one another. She quickly gets tired of Ace and Zuro's conversationm making her leave to meet the other members of the group to tell an announcement.

Training Arc

Being a medic, her tutor was Yuri, who was a medic of Retribution. Throughout the scenes, Yuri and Sepheir talk about one another and hint some of their thoughts, but it has yet to show their full training conversations. During training, she had to patch up Zuro who gets injured because of a fight with Akira, and she comforts Zuro because of a sudden break down he had. By the end of the arc, she shows thanks to Yuri and shows that they both respect each other and were both glad that they were able to be with each other for training.

First Mission Arc

When the fight between Protezioni and Gli Dei end, Sepheir and her crew comes over to take the injured members back to help them with their injuries. Sepheir was inside the medic room, waiting for Tsuyobi and Tana to be in proper condition before she leaves to meet Romano. She reassures Romano that he's still amazing as he is and she still proud of him. After telling her feelings, she goes back to her assigned room and tells Zuro about how she felt, and she gets to talk to him later on. By the end of the arc, she's seen conversing with the capos, being one of the main people to calm down both Rika and Romano.

  • Pasta
  • Documentaries
  • Lanters
  • French Fries
  • Parasites
  • Torture
  • Overkilling
  • Greed
  • Listening to music
  • Watching movies
  • Shogi
  • Boating
