Junpei Sasaki



7 years, 3 months ago


Basic Info
Name Junpei Sasaki
Nickname Junpei, Jun
Age 20
Birthday December 31st
Height 5'7"
Gender Male
Species Human
Idol Units Afterlight, June Rain
Origin Japan
Blood Type A-
Orientation Pansexual
Occupation Idol
Status Alive
Worth $31 (NFS)
  • Music
  • Action anime
  • Acting and performing
  • Minty flavored things
  • Getting dirty
  • Haughty people
  • Horror
  • TBA
  • TBA
  • TBA
  • TBA
Soft-hearted . Hardworking . Self-conscious . Passionate

Junpei is a person who tries really hard to appear cool and aloof... but the truth is he's a rather soft-hearted and kind person. Despite how hard he tries to look 'cool' most people can see through his facade easily. That said, even if he's called out on it, he would deny that he's anything but what he pretends to be. Junpei does have a bit of a temper, but if he were to ever upset someone he'd instantly back down and apologize before tring to console them. Of course some of his friends use this to their advantage and tease him, which he doesn't take kindly to. So he says.

Although he's very hardworking, Junpei's also a little self-conscious too. He doesn't think he's very smart or very talented, but he knows if he has anything it's stubborness. He can't ever bring himself to give up, even if he might be a little down on himself at times. Part of it might be spite, but whatever it is he knows he can do a lot of things with just willpower alone.


From a very young age Junpei had grown up in a single parent household. He never knew his mother and his relationship between him and his father became rocky as soon as Junpei grew old enough to have a sense of personality. His father strongly valued tradition and appearances, and his controlling nature always made Junpei feel suffocated. Though he tried his best to please his father he also had things he wanted to try and do, but they were almost always shot down. Junpei would be his fathers "ideal" nothing more and nothing less. On top of this Junpei often struggled with being perfect and, he felt, failed constantly at the simplest tasks. Making tea? Somehow he would manage to shatter the cup. Grab groceries for the store? He'd grab the wrong things or the wrong brands... nothing he did ever seemed to be good enough.

As Junpei got older he began rebelling more and more. It was small at first, ignoring his dads requests or pushing boundaries, but eventually he took bigger steps in outwardly arguing and going so far as to dress and alter his apperance in order to spite him. Needless to say Junpei rarely visited home if he could avoid it and prefered to stay out and hang out with friends... but even that had its issues. Junpei wasn't popular at school, he was a quiet kid who was often ignored at best and bullied at worst, and it eventually got to the point that he transfered high schools without telling his dad. Feeling as if "he" wasn't good enough, either for his dad or his peers, Junpei took this opportunity to reinvent himself. At his new school he took great strides to become someone else who people would like better... to appear as someone more appealing.

Junpei would move out as soon as he was able. He got a part time job and left home determined to become more independant. However, because of his somewhat clumsy nature, he would end up hopping between jobs often. He kept everything in his life separate... in front of his dad, his friends, and his coworkers he would change his personality and behavior to fit the situations. This led him to feeling as though he had no real sense of idenity. Who was he, really? Who was the real Junpei? He didn't even know how to answer such a question.

It was just by chance that Junpei found an interest in music. He was passing by a street musician when he got curious and decided to stick around for the performance. He didn't have any money to tip, but the musician struck up conversation with him anyways. He asked if Junpei had any background in music which he denied; the only "background" was him listening to loud and obnoxious music to piss his dad off. Smiling the musician offered to teach him some notes on the guitar, which Junpei found difficult to refuse. After that Junpei would often come to the park to meet with the stranger again and learn more about the world of music. Soon, though, the musician would get recruited by a talent agency and have to quite street performances. As a show of thanks the musician gifted Junpei his old guitar and suggested he try and persue the passion; he had a talent for it, after all.

It was the first time Junpei could recall being called good at something. That alone lit a fire in him, and he decided that he wanted to do whatever it took to succeed at this one thing. He would learn to play the guitar, to sing, to dance, anything so long as he could prove that musician right... that he did have something he was good at. Something he could do without failing. He'd prove it to himself and his dad; that he could succeed too. But... for someone who couldn't even find his own identity... how far could he really get?

Hibiki Soma | Friend/Member

One of Junpei's friends and group mates. Junpei highly admires Hibiki's singing and holds a little bit of jealousy over it, but not enough to affect his relationship with Hibiki. In fact the two of them get along quite well and he often asks Hibiki for advice.

Kyo Mochizuki | Friend/Member

One of Junpei's friends and group members. Junpei would only begrudgingly admit that he looks up to and is a bit jealous of Kyo. He's the type of person Junpei wants to be, but he doesn't let that get in the way of anything. The two of them are very good friends and he enjoys the anime watching sessions they sometimes have. He doesn't get his love for banana flavored things though.

Rei Amari | Friend/Member

One of Junpei's friends and group members. Junpei uses the term "friend" lightly with Rei as the two are often butting heads. Rei gets on his nerves, but even Junpei has to recognize he's a valued member and very talented. Even if it's begrudgingly.

Yuuma Naito | Friend/Member

Compared to Rei who Junpei finds frustrating he finds that Yuuma is far easier to talk to and share his worries with. Part of it is pride, he doesn't want to admit that Rei is right, and part of it is that he and Yuuma share similar interests so he's easier to approach. The two of them often watch anime together when they have a show that interests both of them, and the two of them also play guitar together at times. He's not as good as Yuuma yet, so Yuuma often teaches him new things.

Mayu Honda | Friend/Manager

The Manager to Junpei and his group. Although he'd never admit it, he often tries to get the others in line for the sake of making things easier on Mayu. In reality it often causes more problems, though Mayu appreciates that he tries at least.
