
3 years, 9 months ago


January 1
The role model


Diplomatic • Driven • Firm • Reflective

Rai is a very composed individual. While he isn't blatantly loud or overly opinionated, Rai has a quiet confidence and is able to prove his point or view without 'obnoxious' noises. He is open minded to the opinions of others but won't always change his view, even if the opposer is correct. Not that Rai would describe himself as a close-minded individual, strict and harsh, maybe, but not close-minded. Rai attempts to at least accept an individual's own views, even when they directly oppose his own.

With a broad and much more experienced than most outlook on life, Rai is very responsible and isn't one you'd find scaling cliffs. He's mindful of warnings and rules - not necessarily always following them all but enough to pay mind of them and stay wary. Rai tends to keep the more, slightly unreasonable rules to himself - how others decide to then take it on board, of little concern to him unless they have a direct impact.


  • Hiking
  • Antiques
  • Meditating
  • Productivity


  • Birds
  • Germs
  • High pitched noises
  • Rodents and snakes
"What on Earth is that?? Disgusting-"


Rai is the responsible, charismatic and all knower of the group. He knows exactly what the troublemakers plan before they do it; usually Aiden and Castor are rather predictable troublemakers anyway. Skilled at multitasking, Rai certainly keeps a close eye on the group and will often try his best to set the tone for the others when it comes to a new scenario.

Rai is against confrontation - he sees no point in it and much prefers simply acting than complaining to the individual about your issue. Rai is a big doer, as much as he enjoys planning, he's a big acter. He doesn't see the point of people considering an action only to avoid executing it. Procrastination is not a word Rai has met.

Since Rai has fairly firm views, despite his composure, Rai isn't always the easiest to get along with. You have to be prepared for a lot of almost mothering from him, warning you of things you may know already and reviving looks of disappointment when you do something a tad dumb.

Random Facts

• Rai is a clean freak extraordinaire. Mud, dirt, swamps; he resents all of the above with a multitude of passion. He cares greatly for his personal hygiene, similarly for those around him. Rai can't stand being around those who smell, constantly look like a mess or are covered in God knows what. He will actively try and push dirty individuals into shallow water to clean them; quickly cleaning his paws after.


• His favourite colour is gold|maroon

• His favourite taste is savoury

• He loves the scent of candles

• His favourite weather is the perfect ratio between sun and breeze

• His favourite season is spring

• His favourite plants are weeping willows




Lin and Rai get along rather well. They share similar outlooks on life and whilst Rai is certainly far more ambitious than Lin, she finds his thoughts intriguing and rarely tires of their talks. Lin certainly doesn't share his extreme need for perfection but does enjoy having things neatly organised. It certainly doesn't hurt having an extra set of hands to help manage their problematic group. Rai will often question Lin on her views on particular people or traits. He finds her accepting views manage to share similar themes with his own far more calculated view on those around them. When they differ, they're both more than comfortable further discussing why they feel or think that. Unlike the majority of their group, even when they have disagreements they never become heated. Lin and Rai both enjoy diplomacy and always welcome a disagreement to further their discussion.


Rai and Neve definitely have a love hate relationship. Surprisingly it's Neve who loves picking on and harrassing poor Rai. She loves prodding his buttons and making him squirm. At times she can find his quirks rather irritating, especially as one of the heavy lifters who's expected to help him. Which means moving the same thing back and forth until its perfect or having to wash herself after coming back bathed in blood. Admittedly, she puts up with his requirments far more than people usually expect. Maybe its just because shes gotten used to it over the years. Regardless, the duo find eachother's company tolerable. Neve will always find it amusing when she lashes out at some irritating bastard only to hear Rai snicker behind her. The duo share a lot of similar views when it comes to people and traits. The only difference is that Neve doesn't just let it slide by and makes her annoyance very obvious. Which against his admittion, Rai appreciates and can find rather entertaining. Until it goes out of hand that is.


Colt usually looks out for Rai and vice versa. Rai is far more social than Colt and often steps in if someone approaches Colt and starts grinding on his nerves. Colt tends to intervene when someone, such as Castor usually, tries to scare or creep Rai out. Colt has no issue dishing out warnings which is more often than not enough to get them to back off, unless it's Castor's dumbass. Unlike Colt, Rai is far more ambitious and proactive in comparison to Colt. This means Rai often tries to tempt Colt out of his comfort zone and encourages him to follow what passions he does have. So, reading. Colt often huffs about Rai not being forceful enough. Whilst Rai is an excepional organiser and a very talented multitasking micromanager, he does usually need someone with quite a bit of force or at least an intimidating auroa to really keep troublemakers in line. Rai isn't a pushover but since he gets uncomfortable and squirmish quite easily, people often try to use that against him. And if they do, Colt will happily step in.



Tavon and Rai have a very kind and supporting relationship. Unsurprisingly, Tavon is more than happy accomidating to what Rai wants and will often go out of his way to try and keep things neat and tidy. Which. Is easier said than done. Being a rather active, outdoors character, Tavon has a habit of trecking lots of dirt and muck back home alongside whatever bugs, rocks or interesting trinkets he happened to discover. Rai rarely welcomes Tavon back due to the horrors he's mistakenly stumbled upon. Against all odds, Rai does still like to help Tavon. He'll observe from quite the distance just to make sure whatever Tavon picked up isn't poisonous or harmful in anyway. Both for Tavon's sake and Dyzek who has an awful habit of trying to eat whaever Tavon finds. Rai will often groom Tavon and does his best to keep the wild male looking resonably in one piece. Whilst Tavon is out, Rai tries to come up with little activities or errands Tavon can do upon his return to try and limit just how restless or irritated he gets doing nothing.

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